In the six years since publication, respR has been cited 121 times.

We are happy to see the package being used to conduct quality, reproducible science, and excited to see what experiments and data users will put it towards in the future. It’s been especially encouraging to see it used for calculating the respiration rates of a wide range of species, as well as oxygen production rates of algae and corals.

If you use the package please cite the publication in Methods in Ecology and Evolution. If you use it for any other purpose (e.g. teaching, industry use, environmental reports and monitoring, etc.) we’d love to hear about it.

Studies using respR

The following publications (most recent first) have used and cited respR. If we have missed any let us know.

Lucey, N, César-Ávila, C, Eckert, A, Veintimilla, P, & Collin, R. 2025. Locally Adapted Coral Species Withstand a 2-Week Hypoxic Event. Oceans, 6(1), 5.
Spindel, NB, Galloway, AWE, Schram, JB, Mcneill, GD, Vanessa&lt, SK, &gt, Bellis, Guujaaw, N, Yakgujanaas, J, Pontier, O, Thompson, M, Lee, LC, & Okamoto, D. 2025. Consumer resilience suppresses the recovery of overgrazed ecosystems (p. 2025.02.04.636488). bioRxiv.
Yang, JCC, & Marshall, KE. 2025. Energetic consequences of single and repeated freezing in the intertidal mussel, Mytilus trossulus (p. 2025.02.10.637536). bioRxiv.
Zulian, M, Kennedy, EG, Hamilton, SL, Hill, TM, Grisby, GV, Ricart, AM, Sanford, E, Spalding, AK, Delgado, M, & Ward, M. 2025. Assessing benthic invertebrate vulnerability to ocean acidification and de-oxygenation in California: The importance of effective oceanographic monitoring networks. PLOS ONE, 20(2), e0317906.
Mallon, JE, Altieri, AH, Cyronak, T, Melendez-Declet, CV, Valerie, PJ, & Johnson, MD. 2025. Sublethal changes to coral metabolism in response to deoxygenation. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb.249638.
Sanders, T, Solan, M, & Godbold, JA. 2025. Intraspecific variability across seasons and geographically distinct populations can modify species contributions to ecosystems. Functional Ecology.
Koeck, B, Olsen, EM, Závorka, L, Crespel, A, Freitas, C, Enberg, K, Moland, E, Sodeland, M, Jessen, HH, Marte, H, & Killen, SS. 2024. Conservation benefits of marine reserves depend on knowledge integration of genotypic and phenotypic diversity. Biological Conservation, 299, 110831.
Jaegge, AC, Lavergne, BC, & Stauffer, BA. 2024. Widespread, low concentration microcystin detection in a subtropical Louisiana estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 207, 116843.
Márquez-Borrás, F, & Sewell, MA. 2024. Long-term study of the combined effects of ocean acidification and warming on the mottled brittle star, Ophionereis fasciata. Journal of Experimental Biology, 227(21), jeb249426.
Missionário, M, Almeida, C, Fernandes, JF, Vinagre, C, Madeira, C, & Madeira, D. 2024. Shallow water fish display low phenotypic plasticity to ocean warming and extreme weather events regardless of previous thermal history. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 305, 108849.
Wu, NC, Alton, L, Bovo, RP, Carey, N, Currie, SE, Lighton, JRB, McKechnie, AE, Pottier, P, Rossi, G, White, CR, & Levesque, DL. 2024. Reporting guidelines for terrestrial respirometry: Building openness, transparency of metabolic rate and evaporative water loss data. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 296, 111688.
Menezes, M, de Mello, FT, Ziegler, L, Wanderley, B, Gutiérrez, JM, & Dias, JD. 2024. Revealing the hidden threats: Genotoxic effects of microplastics on freshwater fish. Aquatic Toxicology, 107089.
Karapli-Petritsopoulou, A, Heckelmann, JJ, Anderson, NJ, Franzenburg, S, & Frisch, D. 2024. Phenotypic divergence associated with genomic changes suggest local adaptation in obligate asexuals (p. 2024.08.15.608098). bioRxiv.
Simonson, MA, Bunnell, DB, Madenjian, CP, Keeler, KM, & Schmitt, JD. 2024. Comparison of cisco (Coregonus Artedi) aerobic scope and thermal tolerance between two latitudinally-separated populations. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 102415.
Terry, CE, Liebzeit, JA, Purvis, EM, & Dowd, WW. 2024. Interactive effects of temperature and salinity on metabolism and activity of the copepod Tigriopus californicus. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb.248040.
Bihun, CJ, Stewart, EMC, Lechner, ER, Brownscombe, JW, & Raby, GD. 2024. Thermal performance curves for aerobic scope and specific dynamic action in a sexually dimorphic piscivore: Implications for a warming climate. Journal of Experimental Biology, 227(14), jeb247207.
Duncan, MI, Micheli, F, Marquez, JA, Lowe, CJ, Hamilton, SL, & Sperling, EA. 2024. Temperature-dependent hypoxia tolerance of purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus across biogeography and ontogeny. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 739, 129–146.
Hejlesen, R, Scheffler, FB, Byrge, CG, Kjær-Sørensen, K, Oxvig, C, Fago, A, & Malte, H. 2024. Assessing metabolic rates in zebrafish using a 3D-printed intermittent-flow respirometer and swim tunnel system. Biology Open, 13(6), bio060375.
Kelly, ERM, Trujillo, JE, Setiawan, A, Pether, S, Burritt, D, & Allan, BJM. 2024. Investigating the metabolic and oxidative stress induced by biofouled microplastics exposure in Seriola Lalandi (yellowtail kingfish). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 203, 116438.
Perry, F, Duffy, GA, Lamare, MD, & Fraser, CI. 2024. Kelp holdfast microclimates buffer invertebrate inhabitants from extreme temperatures. Marine Environmental Research, 106523.
Jarquin-Corro, S. 2024. Évaluation de la composition isotopique du carbone dans les otolithes comme proxy du taux métabolique de terrain chez l’anguille d’Amérique (Anguilla rostrata) [Master’s thesis]. Université du Québec à Rimouski.
Hawke, AM, Trujillo, JE, Oey, I, Giteru, SG, & Allan, BJM. 2024. Exposure to petroleum-derived and biopolymer microplastics affect fast start escape performance and aerobic metabolism in a marine fish. Science of The Total Environment, 906, 167423.
Maskrey, DK, Killen, SS, Sneddon, LU, Arnold, KE, Wolfenden, DCC, & Thomson, JS. 2024. Differential metabolic responses in bold and shy sea anemones during a simulated heatwave. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb.244662.
Pettersen, AK, Metcalfe, NB, & Seebacher, F. 2024. Intergenerational plasticity aligns with temperature-dependent selection on offspring metabolic rates. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 379(1896), 20220496.
Rubin, AM, & Seebacher, F. 2024. Feeding frequency does not interact with BPA exposure to influence metabolism or behaviour in zebrafish (Danio Rerio). Physiology & Behavior, 273, 114403.
Schmidt, E, & Donelson, JM. 2024. Regional thermal variation in a coral reef fish. Conservation Physiology, 12(1), coae058.
Taormina, B, Escobar-Lux, RH, Legrand, E, Parsons, AE, Kutti, T, Husa, V, Hannisdal, R, Samuelsen, OB, & Agnalt, A-L. 2024. Effects of the sea lice chemotherapeutant, emamectin benzoate, on metabolism and behaviour of the sea-pen Pennatula phosphorea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 198, 115903.
Colletti, K. 2024. Pharmaceuticals in stream ecosystems : The effects of chronic chemical (carbamazepine and fluoxetine) exposure on macroinvertebrate communities [Master’s thesis, University of British Columbia].
Levet, M, Killen, SS, Bettinazzi, S, Mélançon, V, Breton, S, & Binning, SA. 2024. Acclimation temperature and parasite infection drive metabolic changes in a freshwater fish at different biological scales. Functional Ecology.
Miller, L. 2024. The effect of thermal stress on whole-body metabolic rate and cellular stress response in the truncate softshell clam, Mya Truncata [Master’s thesis]. University of Manitoba.
Ord, TJ, Surovic, EA, Vaz, DFB, & Irisarri, I. 2024. Abiotic factors that prompt major ecological transitions: Are fish on land to escape an intolerable aquatic environment? Functional Ecology.
Röckner, JL, Lopes, VM, Paula, JR, Pegado, MR, Seco, MC, Diniz, M, Repolho, T, & Rosa, R. 2024. Octopus crawling on land: Physiological and biochemical responses of Octopus vulgaris to emersion. Marine Biology, 171(1), 14.
Scharfenstein, HJ, Peplow, LM, Alvarez-Roa, C, Nitschke, MR, Chan, WY, Buerger, P, & van Oppen, MJH. 2024. Pushing the limits: Expanding the temperature tolerance of a coral photosymbiont through differing selection regimes. New Phytologist, 243(6), 2130–2145.
Vermandele, F, Sasaki, M, Winkler, G, Dam, HG, Madeira, D, & Calosi, P. 2024. When the Going Gets Tough, the Females Get Going: Sex-Specific Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Exposure to Hypoxia and Marine Heatwave Events in a Ubiquitous Copepod. Global Change Biology, 30(10), e17553.
Gomes, M, Lopes, VM, Mai, MG, Paula, JR, Bispo, R, Batista, H, Barraca, C, Baylina, N, Rosa, R, & Pimentel, MS. 2023. Impacts of acute hypoxia on the short-snouted seahorse metabolism and behaviour. Science of The Total Environment, 904, 166893.
González-Ferreras, AM, Barquín, J, Blyth, PSA, Hawksley, J, Kinsella, H, Lauridsen, R, Morris, OF, Peñas, FJ, Thomas, GE, Woodward, G, Zhao, L, & O’Gorman, EJ. 2023. Chronic exposure to environmental temperature attenuates the thermal sensitivity of salmonids. Nature Communications, 14(1), 8309.
Schuster, JM, & Bates, AE. 2023. The role of kelp availability and quality on the energetic state and thermal tolerance of sea urchin and gastropod grazers. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 569, 151947.
Dimos, BA, Lopez, AC, Schulte, PM, & Phelps, MP. 2023. Local Thermal Adaptation occurs via Modulation of Mitochondrial Activity in Chinook Salmon (p. 2023.09.28.560008). bioRxiv.
Evensen, NR, Bateman, TG, Klepac, CN, Schmidt-Roach, S, Barreto, M, Aranda, M, Warner, ME, & Barshis, DJ. 2023. The roles of heating rate, intensity, and duration on the response of corals and their endosymbiotic algae to thermal stress. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 567, 151930.
Stell, EG, Brewer, SK, Horne, L, Wright, RA, & DeVries, DR. 2023. Using the electron transport system as an indicator of organismal thermal tolerance and respiratory exploitation. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
Connelly, MT, Snyder, G, Palacio-Castro, AM, Gillette, PR, Baker, AC, & Traylor-Knowles, N. 2023. Antibiotics reduce Pocillopora coral-associated bacteria diversity, decrease holobiont oxygen consumption and activate immune gene expression. Molecular Ecology, mec.17049.
Duncan, MI, Micheli, F, Boag, TH, Marquez, JA, Deres, H, Deutsch, CA, & Sperling, EA. 2023. Oxygen availability and body mass modulate ectotherm responses to ocean warming. Nature Communications, 14(1), 3811.
Jourdain-Bonneau, C, Deslauriers, D, Gourtay, C, Jeffries, KM, & Audet, C. 2023. Metabolic and transcriptomic response of two juvenile anadromous brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) genetic lines towards a chronic thermal stress. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
Holmes-Hackerd, M, Sasaki, M, & Dam, HG. 2023. Naupliar exposure to acute warming does not affect ontogenetic patterns in respiration, body size, or development time in the cosmopolitan copepod Acartia tonsa. PLOS ONE, 18(4), e0282380.
Quigley, K, Carey, N, & Roa, CA. 2023. Physiological Characterization of the Coral Holobiont Using a New Micro-Respirometry Tool. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), 194, e64812.
Zhang, J-H, Long, R, Jing, Y-Y, Zhang, P, Xu, Y, Xiong, W, Zhu, Y-Q, & Luo, Y-P. 2023. Loss of behavioral stress response in blind cavefish reduces energy expenditure. Zoological Research, 44, 1–16.
Lucey, N, Deutsch, CA, Carignan, M-H, Vermandele, F, Collins, M, Johnson, MD, Collin, R, & Calosi, P. 2023. Climate warming erodes tropical reef habitat through frequency and intensity of episodic hypoxia. PLOS Climate, 2(3), e0000095.
Lowes, HM, Weinrauch, AM, Bouyoucos, IA, Griffin, RA, Kononovs, D, Alessi, DS, & Blewett, TA. 2023. Copper exposure does not alter the ability of intertidal sea cucumber Cucumaria miniata to tolerate emersion during low tide. Science of The Total Environment, 162085.
Castrillón-Cifuentes, AL, Zapata, FA, Giraldo, A, & Wild, C. 2023. Spatiotemporal variability of oxygen concentration in coral reefs of Gorgona Island (Eastern Tropical Pacific) and its effect on the coral Pocillopora capitata. PeerJ, 11, e14586.
Espinel-Velasco, N, Gawinski, C, Kohlbach, D, Pitusi, V, Graeve, M, & Hop, H. 2023. Interactive effects of ocean acidification and temperature on oxygen uptake rates in Calanus hyperboreus nauplii. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10.
Hawadle, A. 2023. The Effects of Multiple Environmental Stressors on the Respiration Rate of Mytilus Galloprovincialis [Thesis]. University of Washington.
Lowes, HM. 2023. Impacts of Combined Natural and Anthropogenic Stressors on Pacific Intertidal Invertebrates [Master’s thesis, University of Alberta].
Márquez Borrás, F. 2023. The effects of ocean change drivers on the ecophysiology of the mottled brittle star Ophionereis Fasciata [PhD thesis]. University of Auckland.
Perry, F. 2023. Microclimates in the holdfasts of bull kelp (Durvillaea spp.) and the thermal physiology of the associated invertebrates [Master’s thesis]. University of Otago.
Plaza, MAS. 2023. Sublethal Effects of Methylmercury on the Physiology of a Small, Coastal Elasmobranch, Smooth Dogfish (Mustelus Canis) [Master’s thesis]. University of Delaware.
Sheffey, HL. 2023. Do Microplastics, Vibrio Bacteria, and Warming Water Temperatures Cause Disease in the Northern Star Coral, Astrangia Poculata? [Master’s thesis]. Old Dominion University.
Kutti, T, Legrand, E, Husa, V, Olsen, S, Gjelsvik, Ø, Carvajalino-Fernandez, M, & Johnsen, I. 2022. Fish farm effluents cause metabolic depression, reducing energy stores and growth in the reef-forming coral Lophelia Pertusa. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 14, 279–293.
Somo, DA. 2022. An integrative analysis of respiratory capacity, osmoregulatory function, body size, and metabolism in intertidal fishes [PhD thesis]. University of British Columbia.
Thambithurai, D, Lanthier, I, Contant, E, Killen, SS, & Binning, SA. 2022. Fish vulnerability to capture by trapping is modulated by individual parasite density. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1989), 20221956.
Lucey, N, Aube, C, Herwig, A, & Collin, R. 2022. Compound extreme events induce rapid mortality in a tropical sea urchin. The Biological Bulletin, 0(0), 000–000.
Guitard, JJ, Chrétien, E, De Bonville, J, Roche, DG, Boisclair, D, & Binning, SA. 2022. Increased parasite load is associated with reduced metabolic rates and escape responsiveness in pumpkinseed sunfish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(15), jeb243160.
Jourdain Bonneau, C. 2022. Effet d’un stress thermique chronique et de la sélection génétique sur la réponse métabolique et transcriptomique d’ombles de fontaine juvéniles (Salvelinus fontinalis) [Master’s thesis]. Université du Québec à Rimouski.
Morgan, R, Andreassen, AH, Åsheim, ER, Finnøen, MH, Dresler, G, Brembu, T, Loh, A, Miest, JJ, & Jutfelt, F. 2022. Reduced physiological plasticity in a fish adapted to stable temperatures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(22), e2201919119.
Garner, N, Ross, PM, Falkenberg, LJ, Seymour, JR, Siboni, N, & Scanes, E. 2022. Can seagrass modify the effects of ocean acidification on oysters? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 177, 113438.
Burford, BP, Wild, LA, Schwarz, R, Chenoweth, EM, Sreenivasan, A, Elahi, R, Carey, N, Hoving, H-JT, Straley, JM, & Denny, MW. 2022. Rapid Range Expansion of a Marine Ectotherm Reveals the Demographic and Ecological Consequences of Short-Term Variability in Seawater Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen. The American Naturalist, 199(4).
Roche, DG, Raby, GD, Norin, T, Ern, R, Scheuffele, H, Skeeles, M, Morgan, R, Andreassen, AH, Clements, JC, Louissaint, S, Jutfelt, F, Clark, TD, & Binning, SA. 2022. Paths towards greater consensus building in experimental biology. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(Suppl_1), jeb243559.
Mallon, JE, Cyronak, T, Hall, ER, Banaszak, AT, Exton, DA, & Bass, AM. 2022. Light-driven dynamics between calcification and production in functionally diverse coral reef calcifiers. Limnology and Oceanography, lno.12002.
Prokkola, JM, Åsheim, ER, Morozov, S, Bangura, P, Erkinaro, J, Ruokolainen, A, Primmer, CR, & Aykanat, T. 2022. Genetic coupling of life-history and aerobic performance in Atlantic salmon. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1967), 20212500.
Schuster, JM, Kurt Gamperl, A, Gagnon, P, & Bates, AE. 2022. Distinct realized physiologies in green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) populations from barren and kelp habitats. FACETS, 7, 822–842.
Wu, NC, Rubin, AM, & Seebacher, F. 2022. Endocrine disruption from plastic pollution and warming interact to increase the energetic cost of growth in a fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1967), 20212077.
Andersen, IO. 2022. The effect of aqueous aluminium on mortality and respiration of the isopoda Asellus Aquaticus [Master’s thesis]. Høgskolen i Innlandet.
Berger, H. 2022. A Regional Vulnerability Assessment for the Dungeness Crab (Metacarcinus Magister) to Changing Ocean Conditions: Insights From Model Projections and Empirical Experiments [Master’s thesis]. University of Connecticut.
Grigor, JJ, Freer, JJ, Tarling, GA, Cohen, JH, & Last, KS. 2022. Swimming Activity as an Indicator of Seasonal Diapause in the Copepod Calanus finmarchicus. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9.
Hawke, A. 2022. Petroleum-derived and biopolymer microplastic affects fast start escape performance and aerobic metabolism in a New Zealand Triplefin (Forsterygion Capito). [PhD thesis]. University of Otago.
Joyce, W, Pan, YK, Garvey, K, Saxena, V, & Perry, SF. 2022. The regulation of heart rate following genetic deletion of the SS1 adrenergic receptor in larval zebrafis. Acta Physiologica, 235(4), e13849.
Klementiev, AD, & Whiteley, M. 2022. Development of a Versatile, Low-Cost Electrochemical System to Study Biofilm Redox Activity at the Micron Scale. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, e00434–22.
Paula, JR, Repolho, T, Grutter, AS, & Rosa, R. 2022. Access to Cleaning Services Alters Fish Physiology Under Parasite Infection and Ocean Acidification. Frontiers in Physiology, 13.
Spindel, NB, Lee, LC, & Okamoto, DK. 2021. Metabolic depression in sea urchin barrens associated with food deprivation. Ecology, 102(11), e03463.
Killen, SS, Christensen, EAF, Cortese, D, Závorka, L, Norin, T, Cotgrove, L, Crespel, A, Munson, A, Nati, JJH, Papatheodoulou, M, & McKenzie, DJ. 2021. Guidelines for reporting methods to estimate metabolic rates by aquatic intermittent-flow respirometry. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224(18), jeb242522.
Ros, M, Guerra-García, JM, Lignot, J-H, & Rivera-Ingraham, GA. 2021. Environmental stress responses in sympatric congeneric crustaceans: Explaining and predicting the context-dependencies of invader impacts. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 170, 112621.
Bouyoucos, IA, Trujillo, JE, Weideli, OC, Nakamura, N, Mourier, J, Planes, S, Simpfendorfer, CA, & Rummer, JL. 2021. Investigating links between thermal tolerance and oxygen supply capacity in shark neonates from a hyperoxic tropical environment. Science of The Total Environment, 782, 146854.
Legrand, E, Kutti, T, Gonzalez Casal, E, Rastrick, S, Andersen, S, & Husa, V. 2021. Reduced physiological performance in a free-living coralline alga induced by salmon faeces deposition. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 13, 225–236.
Evensen, NR, Fine, M, Perna, G, Voolstra, CR, & Barshis, DJ. 2021. Remarkably high and consistent tolerance of a Red Sea coral to acute and chronic thermal stress exposures. Limnology and Oceanography, 66(5), 1718–1729.
Ladakis, I, & Chouvarda, I. 2021. Overview of biosignal analysis methods for the assessment of stress. Emerging Science Journal, 5(2), 233–244.
Pillet, M, Castaldo, G, Rodgers, EM, Poleksić, V, Rašković, B, Bervoets, L, Blust, R, & De Boeck, G. 2021. Physiological performance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio, L., 1758) exposed to a sublethal copper/zinc/cadmium mixture. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 242, 108954.
Rodgers, EM, Opinion, AGR, Gomez Isaza, DF, Rašković, B, Poleksić, V, & De Boeck, G. 2021. Double whammy: Nitrate pollution heightens susceptibility to both hypoxia and heat in a freshwater salmonid. Science of The Total Environment, 765, 142777.
Durtsche, RD, Jonsson, B, & Greenberg, LA. 2021. Thermal conditions during embryogenesis influence metabolic rates of juvenile brown trout Salmo Trutta. Ecosphere, 12(2).
Harianto, J, Aldridge, J, Torres Gabarda, SA, Grainger, RJ, & Byrne, M. 2021. Impacts of acclimation in warm-low pH conditions on the physiology of the sea urchin Heliocidaris Erythrogramma and carryover effects for juvenile offspring. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 588938.
Burns, A, L. 2021. Metabolic rate, critical oxygen partial pressure, and oxygen supply capacity of Farfantepenaeus Duorarum at their lower thermal limit [Master’s thesis]. University of South Florida.
Jones, L. 2021. The thermal physiology of yellowbelly flounder (Rhombosolea Leporina) in a coastal, New Zealand lake [Master’s thesis]. University of Canterbury.
Muller, C. 2021. An eco-physiological investigation of fisheries-induced evolution: Comparing the resilience of larvae from exploited and unexploited commercial reef fish populations to projected ocean acidification [PhD thesis]. Rhodes University.
Petreikytė, G. 2021. Efficiency of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) recirculating aquaculture technology under brackish water conditions [Master’s thesis]. Klaipėdos universitetas.
Prinzing, TS, Zhang, Y, Wegner, NC, & Dulvy, NK. 2021. Analytical methods matter too: Establishing a framework for estimating maximum metabolic rate for fishes. Ecology and Evolution.
Zhang, Y. 2021. Interpreting species, intraspecific and intra-individual variability by comprehensively characterizing a fish’s respiratory phenotype with valid measures of oxygen uptake [PhD thesis, University of British Columbia].
Muller, C, Childs, A-R, James, NC, & Potts, WM. 2020. Effects of experimental ocean acidification on the larval morphology and metabolism of a temperate sparid, Chrysoblephus Laticeps. Oceans, 2(1), 26–40.
Rodriguez, FA, Reyna, PB, Maggioni, T, Giménez, DR, & Torre, L. 2020. The role of temperature and oxygen availability on the distribution of Corbicula Largillierti. Invertebrate Biology, 139(4).
Kurchaba, N, Cassone, BJ, Northam, C, Ardelli, BF, & LeMoine, CMR. 2020. Effects of MP polyethylene microparticles on microbiome and inflammatory response of larval zebrafish. Toxics, 8(3), 55.
Zhang, Y, Gilbert, MJH, & Farrell, AP. 2020. Measuring maximum oxygen uptake with an incremental swimming test and by chasing rainbow trout to exhaustion inside a respirometry chamber yields the same results. Journal of Fish Biology, 97(1), 28–38.
Gomez Isaza, DF, Cramp, RL, & Franklin, CE. 2020. Thermal acclimation offsets the negative effects of nitrate on aerobic scope and performance. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb.224444.
Závorka, L, Koeck, B, Armstrong, TA, Soğanci, M, Crespel, A, & Killen, SS. 2020. Reduced exploration capacity despite brain volume increase in warm acclimated common minnow. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb.223453.
Gilbert, MJH. 2020. Thermal limits to the cardiorespiratory performance of arctic char (Salvelinus Alpinus) in a rapidly warming North [PhD thesis]. University of British Columbia.
Gomez Isaza, DF. 2020. Anthropogenic disturbances to freshwater taxa: Interactions between nitrate and additional stressors on various physiological traits [PhD thesis]. University of Queensland.
Guitard, J. 2020. Effets physiologiques de l’infection parasitaire chez le crapet-soleil (Lepomis gibbosus) [Master’s thesis]. Université de Montréal.
Internicola, AM. 2020. Microplastics in the Delaware Bay: Distribution and direct effects on major zooplankton [Master’s thesis]. University of Delaware.
Harvey, BP, Agostini, S, Kon, K, Wada, S, & Hall-Spencer, JM. 2019. Diatoms dominate and alter marine food-webs when CO2 rises. Diversity, 11(12), 242.
Burford, BP, Carey, N, Gilly, WF, & Goldbogen, JA. 2019. Grouping reduces the metabolic demand of a social squid. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 612, 141–150.
Negrete, B, & Esbaugh, AJ. 2019. A methodological evaluation of the determination of critical oxygen threshold in an estuarine teleost. Biology Open, bio.045310.