The following are alternative methods of extracting rates from multiple replicates in intermittent-flow respirometry using calc_rate or auto_rate. They have been mostly superseded by and See vignette("intermittent_long").

However we have left the details here in case they are of use in other cases. The main advantage to these are that they allow rates to be extracted from different data regions within each replicate or allow different methods to be used.

calc_rate allows consistent region selection criteria to be applied to each replicate, and is usually the best way of extracting rates from intermittent-flow data. calc_rate however also allows you to extract multiple rates from a dataset in a single command, and this can allow for rates from different regions in each replicate. Obviously, this requires you to know the row locations or timings of replicates.

calc_rate allows data regions to be chosen by oxygen, time, or row ranges. In the case of row or time, multiple subset regions can be specified, with the from and to inputs acting as vectors of paired values. Using this we can extract a rate from each replicate with one command.

Rate from multiple row regions

We can use the same replicate start and end locations as in the example here to extract a rate from each complete replicate.

# inspect data
urchin_int <- inspect(intermittent.rd)
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'time = 1'
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'oxygen = 2'
#> inspect: No issues detected while inspecting data frame.

# calc rates
urchin_int_rates <- calc_rate(urchin_int, 
                              from = c(1, 2101, 3901),
                              to = c(1900, 3550, 4831),
                              by = "row")

#> # summary.calc_rate # -------------------
#> Summary of all rate results:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0   slope_b1   rsq  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy   rate.2pt       rate
#> 1:  NA    1        7.135 -0.0005777 0.995    1   1900    0    1899 7.17   6.07 -0.0005793 -0.0005777
#> 2:  NA    2        8.473 -0.0005893 0.994 2101   3550 2100    3549 7.22   6.38 -0.0005797 -0.0005893
#> 3:  NA    3        9.621 -0.0006280 0.989 3901   4831 3900    4830 7.16   6.59 -0.0006129 -0.0006280
#> -----------------------------------------

We can see this produces exactly the same result as in the example here. Note, because has not been used there are no values in the $rep column. calc_rate does not consider multiple rates as coming from separate replicates. Instead it ranks them in order of inputs, as indicated by the $rank column.

Rate from multiple time regions

We can also extract by time values, and here we will also apply a different time window within each replicate.

urchin_int_rates <- calc_rate(urchin_int, 
                              from = c(200, 2300, 4100), 
                              to = c(1800, 3000, 4400), 
                              by = "time")

By default, the first is shown in print and plot, but the pos input can be used to view others.

plot(urchin_int_rates, pos = 3)

Calling summary() will show the coefficients, locations and values of all rates:

#> # summary.calc_rate # -------------------
#> Summary of all rate results:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0   slope_b1   rsq  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy   rate.2pt       rate
#> 1:  NA    1        7.127 -0.0005734 0.995  201   1801  200    1800 7.05   6.11 -0.0005875 -0.0005734
#> 2:  NA    2        8.529 -0.0006100 0.985 2301   3001 2300    3000 7.12   6.68 -0.0006286 -0.0006100
#> 3:  NA    3        9.825 -0.0006760 0.915 4101   4401 4100    4400 7.08   6.85 -0.0007667 -0.0006760
#> -----------------------------------------

Using calc_rate like this allows you to extract rates from different regions within each replicate, or even multiple rates from each.


Another option for extracting replicates from a larger dataset is the subset_data function. This allows you to easily subset both data frames and inspect objects by time, row, or oxygen ranges. You can then pipe (|> or %>%) the subset directly to other functions such as calc_rate or auto_rate, or alternatively save replicates as separate objects for further analysis.

Separate replicates

Here, we use the inspect object we saved earlier containing the whole dataset, to create new inspect objects for each replicate. These can be treated like any other inspect object, including being passed to print and plot.

# Create separate replicate data frames
u_rep1 <- subset_data(urchin_int, from = 1, to = 1900, by = "time")
u_rep2 <- subset_data(urchin_int, from = 2100, to = 3500, by = "time")
u_rep3 <- subset_data(urchin_int, from = 3700, to = 4831, by = "time")

Now we can calculate a rate from each, showing the results from the third one here. Unlike, using this method you are not restricted to extracting the rate from the exact same region within each replicate. In addition, this approach allows you to use the by = "oxygen" method.

u_rate1 <- calc_rate(u_rep1, from = 7.1, to = 6.7, by = "oxygen")
u_rate2 <- calc_rate(u_rep2, from = 7.1, to = 6.8, by = "oxygen")
u_rate3 <- calc_rate(u_rep3, from = 7.0, to = 6.8, by = "oxygen")


Alternatively, pipe the result, which has the advantage of not filling your local environment with redundant objects and overall makes for a tidier workflow.

u_rate3 <- urchin_int |>
  subset_data(from = 3700, to = 4831, by = "time") |>
  calc_rate(from = 7.0, to = 6.8, by = "oxygen")
#> # summary.calc_rate # -------------------
#> Summary of all rate results:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0   slope_b1   rsq row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy   rate.2pt       rate
#> 1:  NA    1        9.579 -0.0006187 0.941 433    825 4132    4524 6.99    6.8 -0.0004847 -0.0006187
#> -----------------------------------------

Iterating using loops

A number of approaches could be used to iterate respR functions to analyse these types of experiment; this is merely an example to illustrate how respR can be easily iterated over multiple replicates. For most purposes or are better options.

Here we will show a simple for loop to subset each replicate from the zeb_intermittent.rd data and run auto_rate(method = "linear") on it. We use a ‘wait’ period of 2 minutes (120s), and a ‘measure’ period of 7 minutes (420s), leaving 2 minutes of flushing excluded.

For actual analyses it is highly recommended you examine the plot of each replicate, or at very least those used in determining a final rate. Here in the interests of speed we suppress it with plot = FALSE. Note also this code will create a list object containing an auto_rate object for every replicate, which will be quite large (several MB).

Inspect data

zeb <- inspect(zeb_intermittent.rd)

Analysis loop

# define wait and measure periods
wait <- 120   # 2 mins wait
measure <- 420  # 7 mins measure

## start rows for each rep using sequence function (from, to, by)
reps <- seq(5840, 74480, 660)
## data starts - apply wait
starts <- reps + wait
## data ends - apply wait and measure period
ends <- reps + wait + measure

## Empty list for saving results
zeb_rmr <- list()

## loop
for(i in 1:105){
  st <- starts[i] # start time
  et <- ends[i] # end time

  ## subset replicate and pipe the result into auto_rate
  zeb_rmr[[i]] <- subset_data(zeb, from = st, to = et, by = "time") |>
    auto_rate(method = "linear", plot = FALSE)

View results

We can extract and view the top-ranked rate result from each replicate using the sapply function.

## extract rates
rmr_rate <- sapply(zeb_rmr, function(z) z$rate[1])
plot(rmr_rate, ylim = rev(range(rmr_rate)))

Note, we plot on a reverse axis so higher rates are higher on the plot. We can see that rates are higher in the initial stages of the experiment, then are quite consistent after they stabilise.


This saves pre- and post-experiment background rates for use in the next step.

bg_pre <- zeb |>
  subset_data(from = 1, to = 4999, by = "row") |>

bg_post <- zeb |>
  subset_data(from = 75140, to = 79251, by = "row") |>

Adjust RMR

Here we use lapply to apply the adjustment to each element of the RMR results list of auto_rate objects and return a new list of adjust_rate objects.

zeb_rmr_adj <- lapply(zeb_rmr, function(z) adjust_rate(z,
                                                       by = bg_pre,
                                                       by2 = bg_post,
                                                       method = "linear"))

Convert RMR

Once again we will use lapply to loop through the SMR list of adjust_rate objects and convert the rates for each replicate.

zeb_rmr_conv <- lapply(zeb_rmr_adj, function(z) convert_rate(z,
                                                             oxy.unit = "mg/L",
                                                             time.unit = "secs",
                                                             output.unit = "mg/h/g",
                                                             volume = 0.12,
                                                             mass = 0.0009))

We’ll look at two examples. This is the top-ranked result from these two replicates, though the actual object will contain more.

summary(zeb_rmr_conv[[10]], pos = 1)
#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of converted rates from entered 'pos' rank(s):
#>    rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1 rsq density row endrow  time endtime   oxy endoxy      rate  adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S  t  P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#> 1:  NA    1        33.62 -0.002182 0.9    1543 127    259 12026   12158 7.364  7.116 -0.002182 -0.00008027     -0.002102  -0.002102     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -0.908      -1.009          NA   mgO2/hr/g      -1.009
#> -----------------------------------------
summary(zeb_rmr_conv[[90]], pos = 1)
#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of converted rates from entered 'pos' rank(s):
#>    rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq density row endrow  time endtime   oxy endoxy      rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S  t  P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#> 1:  NA    1        140.7 -0.002059 0.965    1255 122    397 64821   65096 7.193  6.644 -0.002059 -0.0001139     -0.001945  -0.001945     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA  -0.8402     -0.9336          NA   mgO2/hr/g     -0.9336
#> -----------------------------------------

Final RMR

This is similar to the other operations above, in that we use an apply function to extract the top ranked final converted rate from each replicate.

zeb_rmr_all <- sapply(zeb_rmr_conv, function(z) z$rate.output[1])

Now we can plot them. Again, we reverse the y-axis.

plot(zeb_rmr_all, ylim = rev(range(zeb_rmr_all)))

It depends on the experiment how we might want to define the final RMR. This is the routine metabolic rate, so we want a rate that represents routine behaviour. Here, rates are very consistent after number 20, apart from one obvious outlier in number 89.

#> [1] -0.9576 -1.2966 -0.9336

Therefore, we will not use this one, but take the mean of all others from 20 onwards. This is just one approach of many we could apply. See here.

zeb_rmr_final <- mean(zeb_rmr_all[c(20:88,90:105)])
#> [1] -0.9547

This is our final RMR: -0.96 mg/h/g.

Complete analysis

Thius is the same analysis as above but using exclusively the apply family of functions.

# Import and inspect raw data ---------------------------------------------
# Importing would normally be the first step, e.g. read.csv("path/to/file")
zeb <- inspect(zeb_intermittent.rd)

# Background --------------------------------------------------------------
bg_pre <- subset_data(zeb, from = 0, to = 4999, by = "time") |>
bg_post <- subset_data(zeb, from = 75140, to = 79251, by = "time") |>

# Replicate structure -----------------------------------------------------
wait <- 120   # 2 mins wait
measure <- 420  # 7 mins measure
reps <- seq(5840, 74480, 660) ## start rows
starts <- reps + wait ## data starts
ends <- reps + wait + measure ## data ends

# Subset each replicate ---------------------------------------------------
zeb_rmr_subsets <- apply(cbind(starts,ends), 1, function(z) subset_data(zeb,
                                                                        from = z[1],
                                                                        to = z[2],
                                                                        by = "time"))

# auto_rate on each replicate ---------------------------------------------
zeb_rmr <- lapply(zeb_rmr_subsets, function(z) auto_rate(z,
                                                         method = "linear",
                                                         plot = FALSE))

# Adjust ------------------------------------------------------------------
zeb_rmr_adj <- lapply(zeb_rmr, function(z) adjust_rate(z,
                                                       by = bg_pre,
                                                       by2 = bg_post,
                                                       method = "linear"))

# Convert -----------------------------------------------------------------
zeb_rmr_conv <- lapply(zeb_rmr_adj, function(z) convert_rate(z,
                                                             oxy.unit = "mg/L",
                                                             time.unit = "secs",
                                                             output.unit = "mg/h/g",
                                                             volume = 0.12,
                                                             mass = 0.0009))

# Extract rates -----------------------------------------------------------
zeb_rmr_all <- sapply(zeb_rmr_conv, function(z) z$rate.output[1])

# Calculate final rmr -----------------------------------------------------
zeb_rmr_final <- mean(zeb_rmr_all[c(20:88,90:105)]) 
#> [1] -0.9547