
calc_rate() is the general function in respR for manually determining rates across user-defined ranges of time, row or oxygen value. This contrasts with auto_rate() which uses a degree of automation to determine rates in the "linear" method, or allows rolling rates of a fixed width to be calculated across an entire dataset and then ordered in various ways.


By default, if no other inputs are entered calc_rate will calculate a rate across an entire dataset as entered. The data used here is the sardine.rd dataset, but the time data has been converted to minutes to demonstrate the different x-axis values.

cr <- calc_rate(sard)

Time range

The default method by which a rate region can be specified is by = "time". The function finds the closest matching values if these exact values do not occur in the time data. If either of the values lie outside the actual time data range it will use the first or last value instead.

cr <- calc_rate(sard,
                from = 20, 
                to = 80,
                by = "time")

Row range

Similarly the rate region can be specified by = "row".

cr <- calc_rate(sard,
                from = 2000, 
                to = 6000,
                by = "row")

Oxygen range

Lastly, the rate region can be specified by = "oxygen". This option finds the first occurrence of the from value (or the closest matching value), and the last occurrence of the to value.

cr <- calc_rate(sard,
                from = 94, 
                to = 92,
                by = "oxygen")

Multiple rates

calc_rate can be used to extract multiple rates by entering vectors of paired values as from and to in any of these metrics.

cr <- calc_rate(sard,
                from = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70), 
                to = c(20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80),
                by = "time")

#> # summary.calc_rate # -------------------
#> Summary of all rate results:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0 slope_b1   rsq  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy rate.2pt    rate
#> 1:  NA    1         95.7  -0.0593 0.799  601   1201   10      20 95.1   94.4    -0.07 -0.0593
#> 2:  NA    2         95.8  -0.0643 0.838 1201   1801   20      30 94.4   93.8    -0.06 -0.0643
#> 3:  NA    3         95.2  -0.0456 0.727 1801   2401   30      40 93.8   93.4    -0.04 -0.0456
#> 4:  NA    4         94.9  -0.0375 0.649 2401   3001   40      50 93.4   93.1    -0.03 -0.0375
#> 5:  NA    5         95.0  -0.0399 0.691 3001   3601   50      60 93.1   92.6    -0.05 -0.0399
#> 6:  NA    6         95.3  -0.0450 0.744 3601   4201   60      70 92.6   92.2    -0.04 -0.0450
#> 7:  NA    7         95.3  -0.0445 0.745 4201   4801   70      80 92.2   91.8    -0.04 -0.0445
#> -----------------------------------------

S3 generic methods

Saved calc_rate objects work with the generic S3 methods print, summary, plot, and mean


This simply prints the result to the console. If there are multiple rates it will print the first one. The pos input can be used to print others.

#> # print.calc_rate # ---------------------
#> Rank 1 of 7 rates:
#> Rate: -0.0593 
#> To see other results use 'pos' input. 
#> To see full results use summary().
#> -----------------------------------------
print(cr, pos = 2)
#> # print.calc_rate # ---------------------
#> Rank 2 of 7 rates:
#> Rate: -0.0643 
#> To see other results use 'pos' input. 
#> To see full results use summary().
#> -----------------------------------------


This prints the summary table to the console which contains linear model coefficients and other metadata for each rate. If there are multiple rates the pos input can be used to select which to print. The export input can be used to export the pos selected rows as a dataframe, or the entire table if this is left NULL.

#> # summary.calc_rate # -------------------
#> Summary of all rate results:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0 slope_b1   rsq  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy rate.2pt    rate
#> 1:  NA    1         95.7  -0.0593 0.799  601   1201   10      20 95.1   94.4    -0.07 -0.0593
#> 2:  NA    2         95.8  -0.0643 0.838 1201   1801   20      30 94.4   93.8    -0.06 -0.0643
#> 3:  NA    3         95.2  -0.0456 0.727 1801   2401   30      40 93.8   93.4    -0.04 -0.0456
#> 4:  NA    4         94.9  -0.0375 0.649 2401   3001   40      50 93.4   93.1    -0.03 -0.0375
#> 5:  NA    5         95.0  -0.0399 0.691 3001   3601   50      60 93.1   92.6    -0.05 -0.0399
#> 6:  NA    6         95.3  -0.0450 0.744 3601   4201   60      70 92.6   92.2    -0.04 -0.0450
#> 7:  NA    7         95.3  -0.0445 0.745 4201   4801   70      80 92.2   91.8    -0.04 -0.0445
#> -----------------------------------------
summary(cr, pos = 1:4)
#> # summary.calc_rate # -------------------
#> Summary of rate results from entered 'pos' rank(s):
#>    rep rank intercept_b0 slope_b1   rsq  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy rate.2pt    rate
#> 1:  NA    1         95.7  -0.0593 0.799  601   1201   10      20 95.1   94.4    -0.07 -0.0593
#> 2:  NA    2         95.8  -0.0643 0.838 1201   1801   20      30 94.4   93.8    -0.06 -0.0643
#> 3:  NA    3         95.2  -0.0456 0.727 1801   2401   30      40 93.8   93.4    -0.04 -0.0456
#> 4:  NA    4         94.9  -0.0375 0.649 2401   3001   40      50 93.4   93.1    -0.03 -0.0375
#> -----------------------------------------
cr_exp <- summary(cr, pos = 1:4, export = TRUE)
#>       rep  rank intercept_b0 slope_b1   rsq   row endrow  time endtime   oxy endoxy rate.2pt    rate
#>    <lgcl> <int>        <num>    <num> <num> <int>  <int> <num>   <num> <num>  <num>    <num>   <num>
#> 1:     NA     1         95.7  -0.0593 0.799   601   1201    10      20  95.1   94.4    -0.07 -0.0593
#> 2:     NA     2         95.8  -0.0643 0.838  1201   1801    20      30  94.4   93.8    -0.06 -0.0643
#> 3:     NA     3         95.2  -0.0456 0.727  1801   2401    30      40  93.8   93.4    -0.04 -0.0456
#> 4:     NA     4         94.9  -0.0375 0.649  2401   3001    40      50  93.4   93.1    -0.03 -0.0375


This averages all the values in the $rate column, or those selected using pos. The result can be saved as a value by using export = TRUE.

cr_mean <- mean(cr, pos = 1:4, export = TRUE)
#> # mean.calc_rate # ----------------------
#> Mean of rate results from entered 'pos' ranks:
#> Mean of 4 output rates:
#> [1] -0.0517
#> -----------------------------------------
#> [1] -0.0517


calc_rate objects can be plotted. pos can be used to select which result to plot, and panel to plot individual panels. legend can be used to suppress labels and legend, and quietto suppress console output. Additional plotting parameters can also be passed to adjust margins, axis label rotation, etc.

Here we plot result 2, panel 2, hide the equation legend, rotate the axis labels, give the left axis more space, and increase the space from axis labels to axis ticks.

plot(cr, pos = 2, panel = 2, legend = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, 
     las = 1, mai = c(0.3, 0.4, 0.35, 0.15), mgp = c(0, 0.5, 0))

Two-point rate

The output also includes a $rate.2pt. This is the rate determined by simple two-point calculation of difference in oxygen divided by difference in time. See vignette("twopoint") for an explanation of this output and when it might be useful.