
Depending on the type of experiment or the functions used, respR analyses can return multiple rates from a single dataset. Once these are converted to final units in convert_rate() this can result in an often large array of rates from different or even overlapping regions of the data.

Multiple rates can be a result of several analyses. The auto_rate() function uses machine learning techniques to automatically detect the most linear regions of a dataset, as well as being able to fit a rolling regression of a specified width over the entire dataset and order the results in various ways. Both of these can return hundreds to thousands of rates. calc_rate() can also return multiple rates depending on the inputs. and return a single rate from every replicate in an intermittent-flow respirometry dataset, so there will be at least as many rates as there are replicates.

select_rate helps explore and filter convert_rate results by selecting rates according to various criteria. For example, extracting only positive or negative rates, only the highest or lowest rates by number or percentile, those above a particular R-squared, only those from certain data regions, and numerous other methods that allow advanced filtering of rates. This allows for application of consistent rate selection criteria and reporting of results. Several methods also allow the results to be reordered by that metric, which can be useful in several situations.

Flowthrough analyses

select_rate can also select from multiple rates in convert_rate.ft objects from flowthrough analyses. There is also a select_rate.ft function but it is a simple wrapper for select_rate. Therefore the following examples also apply to filtering flowthrough results, but see vignette("flowthrough") for some specific examples.

Selection methods

The function includes a wide array of criteria by which convert_rate results can be filtered. The full list can be seen in the Details section of the help file. We will run through a few specific examples below. Multiple selection criteria can be applied by saving the output and processing it through the function multiple times with different criteria, or alternatively via piping (%>% or |>). See examples.

Rep and rank columns

For most selection operations, the summary table $rank column is important in keeping track of results. The $rank column is context-specific, and what it represents depends on the type of experiment analysed or the function used to determine the rates. If numeric values were converted, it is the order in which they were entered. Similarly, if calc_rate was used to determine multiple rates, it is the order as entered using from and to. For auto_rate it relates to the method input. For example it indicates the kernel density ranking if the linear method was used, the ascending or descending ordering by absolute rate value if lowest or highest were used, or numerical order if minimum or maximum were used. For intermittent-flow experiments analysed via or it indicates the ranking within each replicate in the $rep column (though since usually these only return a single rate per replicate it is usually filled with the value 1).

Therefore the $rep and $rank columns can be used to keep track of selections or reordering because the original values will be retained unchanged through these operations. The original order can always be restored by using method = "rep", n = NULL or method = "rank", n = NULL, in which case the table will be reordered by $rep then $rank.


As of v2.1, convert_rate has new plotting functionality that helps explore the results and view the result of selection or reordering. Either pass plot = TRUE in the convert_rate call (default is FALSE), or alternatively the output object can be passed or piped to plot() after processing in select_rate.

There are three ways of plotting the results:

type = "full"

The default is type = "full", which plots each rate (summary table row) in order in the context of the entire data timeseries up to a maximum of 20. These can be selected using pos, which represents rows of the summary table with the default being pos = 1:20.


This lets you see where each rate occurs within the dataset, and the converted rate value is in the title. The values on the axes - time (bottom), row (top), and oxygen (left) - are in the units of the original raw data.

type = "rate"

This plots the entire data timeseries on the upper plot, and on the lower plot the output rate values in the chosen output units. Each rate is plotted against the middle of the region used to determine it.

plot(sard, type = "rate")

This lets you see how the rate varies across the dataset and decide how to filter the results. Here for example, rates are higher at the start of the experiment, and stable low rates only occur after around timepoint 2000.

type = "overlap"

This plot helps with understanding how rates are distributed across the dataset, particularly the data region each uses and how they may overlap. The top plot is the entire data timeseries. In the lower plot every rate regression in $summary is represented by a line showing its location within the timeseries. The y-axis represents the position (i.e. row) of the summary table descending from top to bottom. If no reordering or selection has been performed, this will be equivalent to the $rep or $rank column. See above section for what these may represent, but note as reordering or selection is performed rank and summary table position will not necessarily be equivalent.

plot(sard, type = "overlap")

Here we have analysed the data using the auto_rate "linear" method, and we can see many of the results are from similar or essentially equivalent regions of the data. See below for how these may be reduced.

Additional options

Additional inputs can be passed, such as pos, quiet, legend, and highlight. See help("select_rate").


These are brief run-throughs of a few example selection or reordering operations. More practical examples can be seen in vignette("intermittent_long"). These are not recommendations for how you should conduct your own analyses, or for what selection criteria are appropriate for particular datasets, they are simply examples to demonstrate the functionality.

1. auto_rate "linear" results

Generally speaking the linear method is very good at identifying linear regions, and typically the top result is the most appropriate to report. However, it depends on the aims of your experiment and there may be situations where we would want to further refine the returned results.

We’ll use the sardine.rd dataset, and let’s say we are interested in extracting a standard metabolic rate (SMR), that is a basal or maintenance rate. Generally this is the lowest rate observed, and usually that requires defining the duration over which the rate is sustained when we extract it, and how to choose this duration is arguably not objective. The linear method has a benefit here, in that it will identify consistently maintained rates, including the lowest consistently maintained rates. However, it will also identify all consistently maintained rates in the dataset, so the lowest is not necessarily the top-ranked one.

We’ll inspect the data, pipe the result to auto_rate using the default inputs of the "linear" method and width = 0.2, then adjust the rates for background (using an invented value as an example), then convert the rates to our final units.

sard <- 
  inspect(sardine.rd) |> 
  auto_rate() |> 
  adjust_rate(by = -0.00006) |> 
  convert_rate(oxy.unit = "%Air",
               time.unit = "sec",
               output.unit = "mg/h/kg",
               volume = 12.3,
               mass = 0.0477,
               S = 35, 
               t = 14.8,
               p = 1.013) 

This is large dataset, from a relatively long experiment of over 2 hours. The auto_rate analysis has identified 39 linear regions, of which the above plot is the highest ranked one, or most linear according to the kernel density analysis. This does not mean it’s the lowest rate, but is generally the most consistently maintained one.

Let’s look at the convert_rate summary table, which contains all rate regression parameters and data locations, adjustments (if applied), units, and more.

#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>     rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy      rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S    t    P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#>  1:  NA    1         94.9 -0.000661 0.982   19069 3659   6736 3658    6735 92.6   90.4 -0.000661   -0.00006     -0.000601  -0.000601     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.17       -45.5          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -45.5
#>  2:  NA    2         95.1 -0.000688 0.986   17461 2242   5543 2241    5542 93.7   91.2 -0.000688   -0.00006     -0.000628  -0.000628     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.27       -47.5          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -47.5
#>  3:  NA    3         94.9 -0.000662 0.987   15969 3628   7164 3627    7163 92.5   90.2 -0.000662   -0.00006     -0.000602  -0.000602     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.17       -45.6          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -45.6
#>  4:  NA    4         95.1 -0.000708 0.979    9204 1578   4236 1577    4235 94.2   92.2 -0.000708   -0.00006     -0.000648  -0.000648     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.34       -49.1          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -49.1
#>  5:  NA    5         95.1 -0.000706 0.971    7555 1947   4236 1946    4235 93.8   92.2 -0.000706   -0.00006     -0.000646  -0.000646     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.33       -48.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -48.9
#>  6:  NA    6         95.7 -0.001047 0.961    6862  601   1969  600    1968 95.1   93.7 -0.001047   -0.00006     -0.000987  -0.000987     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.56       -74.7          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -74.7
#>  7:  NA    7         95.1 -0.000709 0.978    6395 1578   4196 1577    4195 94.2   92.2 -0.000709   -0.00006     -0.000649  -0.000649     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.34       -49.1          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -49.1
#>  8:  NA    8         94.8 -0.000628 0.929    6285 5050   6613 5049    6612 91.4   90.5 -0.000628   -0.00006     -0.000568  -0.000568     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.05       -43.0          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -43.0
#>  9:  NA    9         94.7 -0.000619 0.912    2609 5123   6507 5122    6506 91.5   90.6 -0.000619   -0.00006     -0.000559  -0.000559     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.02       -42.4          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -42.4
#> 10:  NA   10         95.7 -0.001043 0.961    1917  596   1981  595    1980 95.0   93.6 -0.001043   -0.00006     -0.000983  -0.000983     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.55       -74.4          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -74.4
#> 11:  NA   11         95.7 -0.001040 0.961    1733  589   1983  588    1982 95.1   93.8 -0.001040   -0.00006     -0.000980  -0.000980     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.54       -74.2          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -74.2
#> 12:  NA   12         95.7 -0.001035 0.962    1674  571   1989  570    1988 95.1   93.9 -0.001035   -0.00006     -0.000975  -0.000975     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.52       -73.8          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -73.8
#> 13:  NA   13         95.7 -0.001042 0.961    1460  594   1982  593    1981 95.0   93.8 -0.001042   -0.00006     -0.000982  -0.000982     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.55       -74.3          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -74.3
#> 14:  NA   14         95.7 -0.001039 0.961    1368  587   1987  586    1986 95.0   93.8 -0.001039   -0.00006     -0.000979  -0.000979     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.53       -74.1          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -74.1
#> 15:  NA   15         95.7 -0.001037 0.961    1271  582   1988  581    1987 95.2   93.8 -0.001037   -0.00006     -0.000977  -0.000977     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.53       -74.0          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -74.0
#> 16:  NA   16         95.7 -0.001034 0.962    1268  570   1992  569    1991 95.0   93.8 -0.001034   -0.00006     -0.000974  -0.000974     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.52       -73.8          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -73.8
#> 17:  NA   17         95.1 -0.000705 0.915     723 1578   2900 1577    2899 94.2   93.0 -0.000705   -0.00006     -0.000645  -0.000645     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.33       -48.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -48.9
#> 18:  NA   18         95.2 -0.000717 0.918     590 1518   2831 1517    2830 94.1   93.2 -0.000717   -0.00006     -0.000657  -0.000657     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.37       -49.8          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -49.8
#> 19:  NA   19         95.2 -0.000716 0.918     581 1518   2838 1517    2837 94.1   93.2 -0.000716   -0.00006     -0.000656  -0.000656     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.37       -49.7          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -49.7
#> 20:  NA   20         95.4 -0.000855 0.935     580 1185   2499 1184    2498 94.6   93.3 -0.000855   -0.00006     -0.000795  -0.000795     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.87       -60.2          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -60.2
#> 21:  NA   21         95.1 -0.000702 0.915     577 1584   2908 1583    2907 94.1   93.2 -0.000702   -0.00006     -0.000642  -0.000642     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.32       -48.6          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -48.6
#> 22:  NA   22         95.4 -0.000855 0.935     576 1185   2497 1184    2496 94.6   93.2 -0.000855   -0.00006     -0.000795  -0.000795     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.87       -60.2          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -60.2
#> 23:  NA   23         95.2 -0.000721 0.918     575 1514   2823 1513    2822 94.2   93.0 -0.000721   -0.00006     -0.000661  -0.000661     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.39       -50.0          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -50.0
#> 24:  NA   24         95.5 -0.000892 0.936     550 1083   2391 1082    2390 94.6   93.3 -0.000892   -0.00006     -0.000832  -0.000832     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.01       -63.0          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -63.0
#> 25:  NA   25         95.3 -0.000803 0.927     541 1327   2634 1326    2633 94.3   93.3 -0.000803   -0.00006     -0.000743  -0.000743     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.68       -56.3          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -56.3
#> 26:  NA   26         95.5 -0.000894 0.937     501 1067   2390 1066    2389 94.6   93.6 -0.000894   -0.00006     -0.000834  -0.000834     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.01       -63.1          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -63.1
#> 27:  NA   27         95.5 -0.000894 0.938     498 1067   2389 1066    2388 94.6   93.3 -0.000894   -0.00006     -0.000834  -0.000834     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.01       -63.2          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -63.2
#> 28:  NA   28         95.3 -0.000803 0.928     496 1324   2634 1323    2633 94.3   93.3 -0.000803   -0.00006     -0.000743  -0.000743     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.68       -56.3          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -56.3
#> 29:  NA   29         95.5 -0.000894 0.937     495 1069   2389 1068    2388 94.5   93.3 -0.000894   -0.00006     -0.000834  -0.000834     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.01       -63.2          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -63.2
#> 30:  NA   30         95.3 -0.000802 0.927     488 1328   2636 1327    2635 94.3   93.3 -0.000802   -0.00006     -0.000742  -0.000742     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.68       -56.2          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -56.2
#> 31:  NA   31         95.3 -0.000802 0.928     488 1323   2638 1322    2637 94.3   93.3 -0.000802   -0.00006     -0.000742  -0.000742     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.68       -56.2          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -56.2
#> 32:  NA   32         95.3 -0.000802 0.928     476 1323   2637 1322    2636 94.3   93.3 -0.000802   -0.00006     -0.000742  -0.000742     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.68       -56.2          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -56.2
#> 33:  NA   33         95.4 -0.000854 0.935     471 1185   2501 1184    2500 94.6   93.4 -0.000854   -0.00006     -0.000794  -0.000794     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.87       -60.1          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -60.1
#> 34:  NA   34         95.4 -0.000854 0.935     447 1186   2500 1185    2499 94.4   93.3 -0.000854   -0.00006     -0.000794  -0.000794     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.87       -60.1          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -60.1
#> 35:  NA   35         95.5 -0.000894 0.938     421 1063   2394 1062    2393 94.5   93.5 -0.000894   -0.00006     -0.000834  -0.000834     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.01       -63.1          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -63.1
#> 36:  NA   36         95.5 -0.000894 0.937     388 1066   2393 1065    2392 94.7   93.4 -0.000894   -0.00006     -0.000834  -0.000834     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.01       -63.1          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -63.1
#> 37:  NA   37         95.3 -0.000803 0.929     375 1315   2641 1314    2640 94.3   93.3 -0.000803   -0.00006     -0.000743  -0.000743     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.68       -56.3          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -56.3
#> 38:  NA   38         95.3 -0.000803 0.929     369 1317   2641 1316    2640 94.3   93.3 -0.000803   -0.00006     -0.000743  -0.000743     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.68       -56.2          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -56.2
#> 39:  NA   39         95.3 -0.000803 0.928     322 1325   2635 1324    2634 94.2   93.3 -0.000803   -0.00006     -0.000743  -0.000743     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.68       -56.2          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -56.2
#>     rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy      rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S    t    P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#> -----------------------------------------

Obviously this is a lot of information. The rate.output, which is the primary output we are interested in, varies in value by quite a lot. The r-squared of the regressions is fairly variable. The linear regions also come from all over the dataset as can be seen by looking at the time or row columns. It might be difficult to know how to handle this many results and arrive at a final reportable rate.

If we are looking for the lowest linear rate, the top ranked result here is actually a very good one! It is amongst the lowest rates (only 2 in rows 8 and 9 are lower), has a high r-squared, and is sustained over a large region of the data. This would probably be completely appropriate to report as the SMR, however we’ll proceed with selection to show how these criteria can be applied, and then these could be applied to other experiments.


We can use the convert_rate plotting functionality to get a better idea of rate values and how they are distributed. We’ll look at both the rate value plot and the overlap plot.

plot(sard, type = "rate")
#> plot.convert_rate: Plotting all rate(s)...

plot(sard, type = "overlap")
#> plot.convert_rate: Plotting all rate(s)...

We can see the rates are higher at the start of the dataset, after which they stabilise. From the overlap plot we can see many of the linear regions substantially overlap and are essentially from the same regions of the data. Some are even completely contained within others. We don’t need to keep all of these different results.

Selection of rates

select_rate allows us to select out only the results that meet certain criteria. If we are interested in the lowest rates we can use this method to select any number of the lowest rates using n. Here is the lowest single rate.

sard |> 
  select_rate(method = "lowest", n = 1) |>
  plot(quiet = TRUE) |>

#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy      rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S    t    P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#> 1:  NA    9         94.7 -0.000619 0.912    2609 5123   6507 5122    6506 91.5   90.6 -0.000619   -0.00006     -0.000559  -0.000559     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.02       -42.4          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -42.4
#> -----------------------------------------

Additional selection criteria

Objectively, this is a perfectly acceptable result and would be fine to report, but let’s apply a couple of additional criteria. The result above has a relatively low r-squared than others in the dataset, and also is around 23 minutes in duration.

Let’s say we are only interested in rate results with an r-squared above 0.95, and also that we are only interested in rates which are sustained for at least 30 minutes (1800s). We can apply multiple selection criteria by using pipes (alternatively you can save the output and process it through select_rate multiple times).

sard |> 
  select_rate(method = "rsq", n = c(0.95,1)) |>
  select_rate(method = "duration", n = c(1800, Inf)) |>
  select_rate(method = "lowest", n = 1) |>
  plot(quiet = TRUE) |>

#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy      rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S    t    P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#> 1:  NA    1         94.9 -0.000661 0.982   19069 3659   6736 3658    6735 92.6   90.4 -0.000661   -0.00006     -0.000601  -0.000601     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.17       -45.5          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -45.5
#> -----------------------------------------

Now our rate is slightly higher than in the previous example, but it fulfils these additional criteria, so we could report this as our final rate if these criteria were what we decided upon.

Please note again however - this is not a recommendation as to what rates or criteria you should apply to your own data. This is just an example, and the important point to take is that the same selection criteria can be consistently applied and documented across multiple analyses.

Reporting the result

select_rate allows you to apply very specific selection criteria in a specific priority order. Because of this is it straightforward to report the analysis in clear language. We might report the above analysis in just a short passage in the methods like this:

“Data was analysed using the R package respR (Harianto et al. 2019). The auto_rate”linear” method was used to automatically identify linear regions of the data. SMR was defined as the lowest of these rates with r-squared above 0.95 sustained for at least 30 minutes.”

2. auto_rate "lowest" results

Let’s use the sardine.rd dataset again, and let’s say we again want to extract a standard metabolic rate (SMR), but we want to define a specific duration.

method = "lowest"

The SMR rates we extracted above occur over durations of 45 minutes to nearly an hour. But maybe we want to standardise our analyses and comparisons of different specimens by defining our SMR as the lowest rate across a specific duration, for example 20 minutes. We can use the auto_rate method = "lowest" to output all rates of this specific width and order them from lowest to highest value, adjust and convert these, then apply some additional selection criteria.

Here we do a rolling regression of 20 minutes (1200 seconds) width in the "time" metric.

sard <- inspect(sardine.rd) |> 
  auto_rate(method = "lowest", width = 1200, by = "time") |>
  adjust_rate(by = -0.00006) |> 
  convert_rate(oxy.unit = "%Air",
               time.unit = "sec",
               output.unit = "mg/h/kg",
               volume = 12.3,
               mass = 0.0477,
               S = 35, 
               t = 14.8,
               p = 1.013) |>

#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>       rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy      rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S    t    P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#>    1:  NA    1         94.7 -0.000612 0.886      NA 5257   6457 5256    6456 91.4   90.9 -0.000612   -0.00006     -0.000552  -0.000552     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -1.99       -41.8          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -41.8
#>    2:  NA    2         94.7 -0.000612 0.886      NA 5258   6458 5257    6457 91.4   90.7 -0.000612   -0.00006     -0.000552  -0.000552     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -1.99       -41.8          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -41.8
#>    3:  NA    3         94.7 -0.000612 0.886      NA 5259   6459 5258    6458 91.3   90.7 -0.000612   -0.00006     -0.000552  -0.000552     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -1.99       -41.8          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -41.8
#>    4:  NA    4         94.7 -0.000612 0.888      NA 5254   6454 5253    6453 91.5   90.7 -0.000612   -0.00006     -0.000552  -0.000552     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -1.99       -41.8          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -41.8
#>    5:  NA    5         94.7 -0.000612 0.887      NA 5256   6456 5255    6455 91.4   90.8 -0.000612   -0.00006     -0.000552  -0.000552     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.00       -41.8          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -41.8
#>   ---                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
#> 6309:  NA 6309         95.8 -0.001089 0.954      NA  695   1895  694    1894 95.0   93.8 -0.001089   -0.00006     -0.001029  -0.001029     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.72       -77.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -77.9
#> 6310:  NA 6310         95.8 -0.001089 0.954      NA  692   1892  691    1891 95.0   93.8 -0.001089   -0.00006     -0.001029  -0.001029     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.72       -77.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -77.9
#> 6311:  NA 6311         95.8 -0.001089 0.954      NA  694   1894  693    1893 95.0   93.8 -0.001089   -0.00006     -0.001029  -0.001029     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.72       -77.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -77.9
#> 6312:  NA 6312         95.8 -0.001089 0.954      NA  691   1891  690    1890 95.0   93.8 -0.001089   -0.00006     -0.001029  -0.001029     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.72       -77.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -77.9
#> 6313:  NA 6313         95.8 -0.001089 0.954      NA  693   1893  692    1892 95.0   93.7 -0.001089   -0.00006     -0.001029  -0.001029     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.72       -77.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -77.9
#> -----------------------------------------

The function has fit every regression of 1200s width across the entire dataset and ranked them in order of absolute rate value from lowest to highest. The plot shows the top ranking result, in this case the very lowest rate. We may not necessarily want to use this result however. In this case it has a relatively low r-squared compared to others (we’re not showing the full summary table but it ranges from around 0.88 to 0.95).

Let’s look at the "overlap" plot output.

sard |> 
  plot(type = "overlap") 

This plot is perhaps difficult to understand at first, but should become clear. The summary table is ordered from lowest to highest rates descending. The lower plot reflects this, and shows most of these lower rates, the ones at the top of both this plot and the summary table, are towards the end of the dataset. By contrast, high rates are at the start. This plot is essentially the rolling rate (panel 4) of the auto_rate plot just above flipped vertically. See how the lowest rates occur around timepoint 6000 in both.

We are looking for lowest rates, so we don’t need to keep any rates before around timepoint 3000. We can remove those using time_omit. Let’s also only keep those with r-squared above 0.9.

sard |>
  select_rate(method = "time_omit", n = c(0,3000)) |>
  select_rate(method = "rsq", n = c(0.9, 1)) |>
  plot(type = "overlap") |>
#> # plot.convert_rate # -------------------

#> -----------------------------------------
#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>       rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy      rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S    t    P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#>    1:  NA  562         94.9 -0.000645 0.900      NA 3845   5045 3844    5044 92.4   91.6 -0.000645   -0.00006     -0.000585  -0.000585     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.11       -44.3          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -44.3
#>    2:  NA  694         94.9 -0.000653 0.903      NA 4521   5721 4520    5720 91.8   91.1 -0.000653   -0.00006     -0.000593  -0.000593     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.14       -44.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -44.9
#>    3:  NA  699         94.9 -0.000653 0.903      NA 4519   5719 4518    5718 92.0   91.2 -0.000653   -0.00006     -0.000593  -0.000593     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.14       -44.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -44.9
#>    4:  NA  700         94.9 -0.000653 0.903      NA 4520   5720 4519    5719 92.1   91.1 -0.000653   -0.00006     -0.000593  -0.000593     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.14       -44.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -44.9
#>    5:  NA  702         94.9 -0.000653 0.901      NA 4584   5784 4583    5783 91.8   91.3 -0.000653   -0.00006     -0.000593  -0.000593     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.14       -44.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -44.9
#>   ---                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
#> 1849:  NA 4421         95.3 -0.000711 0.904      NA 6198   7398 6197    7397 90.8   90.1 -0.000711   -0.00006     -0.000651  -0.000651     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.35       -49.3          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -49.3
#> 1850:  NA 4424         95.3 -0.000711 0.904      NA 6195   7395 6194    7394 90.9   90.0 -0.000711   -0.00006     -0.000651  -0.000651     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.35       -49.3          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -49.3
#> 1851:  NA 4426         95.3 -0.000711 0.904      NA 6197   7397 6196    7396 90.8   90.0 -0.000711   -0.00006     -0.000651  -0.000651     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.35       -49.3          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -49.3
#> 1852:  NA 4427         95.3 -0.000711 0.904      NA 6196   7396 6195    7395 90.9   90.0 -0.000711   -0.00006     -0.000651  -0.000651     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.35       -49.3          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -49.3
#> 1853:  NA 4457         95.3 -0.000711 0.905      NA 6193   7393 6192    7392 90.9   90.0 -0.000711   -0.00006     -0.000651  -0.000651     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.35       -49.3          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -49.3
#> -----------------------------------------

Now we are left with 1853 results. We’ll refine our selection criteria further by only taking the 500 lowest of these rates, then removing those which overlap with another by 90% or more (see Overlapping results section for explanation of this method). We are doing the "overlap" method last because it is extremely computationally intensive and the time it takes increases exponentially with the number of results remaining.

sard |>
  select_rate(method = "rsq", n = c(0.9, 1)) |>
  select_rate(method = "time_omit", n = c(0,3000)) |>
  select_rate(method = "lowest", n = 500) |>
  select_rate(method = "overlap", n = 0.9) |>
  plot(type = "overlap") |>
  summary() |>
#> # plot.convert_rate # -------------------

#> -----------------------------------------
#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy      rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S    t    P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#> 1:  NA  562         94.9 -0.000645 0.900      NA 3845   5045 3844    5044 92.4   91.6 -0.000645   -0.00006     -0.000585  -0.000585     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.11       -44.3          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -44.3
#> 2:  NA  694         94.9 -0.000653 0.903      NA 4521   5721 4520    5720 91.8   91.1 -0.000653   -0.00006     -0.000593  -0.000593     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.14       -44.9          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -44.9
#> 3:  NA 1055         94.9 -0.000662 0.900      NA 3686   4886 3685    4885 92.6   91.7 -0.000662   -0.00006     -0.000602  -0.000602     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.17       -45.6          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -45.6
#> -----------------------------------------
#> # mean.convert_rate # -------------------
#> Mean of all rate results:
#> Mean of 3 output rates:
#> [1] -44.9
#> [1] "mgO2/hr/kg"
#> -----------------------------------------

Now we are left with only 3 results. We could take the top result as our SMR, but just to show a different option this time we have piped the results to the mean function to get a final mean rate.

To repeat the note from above: this is not a recommendation as to what rates or criteria you should apply to your own data. This is just an example, and the important point to take is that the same selection criteria can be consistently applied and documented across multiple analyses.

Selection criteria ordering

Note that the order you apply selection criteria is extremely important. Applying the same criteria in a different order can give totally different results. What happens if we repeat the above but take the lowest 500 results first, then apply our r-squared range?

sard |>
  select_rate(method = "lowest", n = 500) |>
  select_rate(method = "rsq", n = c(0.9, 1)) 
#> select_rate: Selecting lowest 500 *absolute* rate values...
#> ----- Selection complete. 5813 rate(s) removed, 500 rate(s) remaining -----
#> select_rate: Selecting rates with rsq values between 0.9 and 1...
#> ----- Selection complete. 500 rate(s) removed, 0 rate(s) remaining -----

Now we have no results! This is because in the original ordered results, none of the lowest 500 rates had an r-squared above 0.9.

This demonstrates how selection criteria should be consistently applied in the same priority order across different analyses.

Reporting the result

select_rate allows you to apply very specific selection criteria in a specific priority order. Because of this is it straightforward to report the analysis. We might report the above in just a short passage in the methods like this:

“Data was analysed using the R package respR (Harianto et al. 2019). The auto_rate function was used to calculate a rolling regression of 20 minutes across the dataset. SMR was defined as the mean of the lowest rates with r-squared above 0.9.”

3. Intermittent-flow results

select_rate becomes really useful when it comes to dealing with the results of intermittent-flow analyses, particularly the outputs of and When you have tens to hundreds of replicates it can be difficult to both extract rates from them and filter the results consistently. These functions introduced in respR v2.1 combined with select_rate make this process really straightforward.

A full analysis of a long intermittent-flow experiment including results filtering using select_rate can be seen in vignette("intermittent_long"). Here we will show a brief example using part of the same dataset.


Here we will subset a portion of the zeb_intermittent.rd dataset, use to extract a rate from the same time period of each. We’ll specify the replicates cycle at every 660 rows using starts, use a wait phase of two minutes (120 rows), and a measure phase of six minutes (360 rows) within each replicate. Then we convert the results, plot them in two different ways, and show the summary table.

zeb_sub <- subset_data(zeb_intermittent.rd,
                       from = 5840,
                       to = 19039,
                       by = "row", 
                       quiet = TRUE) |>
  inspect(plot = FALSE) |> = 660,
                wait = 120,
                measure = 360,
                by = "row",  
                plot = FALSE) |>
  convert_rate(oxy.unit = "mg/L", 
               time.unit = "secs",
               output.unit = "mg/h/g",
               volume = 0.12,         
               mass = 0.0009) |>
  plot(type = "full") |> 
  plot(type = "rate") |>

The first type = "full" plot shows each replicate rate in the context of the entire data series. The second type = "rate" plot is really useful in understanding how rates change over the course of these 20 replicates.

The summary, which is quite a large table, shows us how these rates change across the 20 replicates.

#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>     rep rank intercept_b0 slope_b1   rsq density   row endrow  time endtime  oxy endoxy     rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S  t  P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#>  1:   1    1         53.2 -0.00785 0.997      NA   121    480  5960    6319 6.45   3.57 -0.00785         NA            NA   -0.00785     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -3.390       -3.77          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -3.77
#>  2:   2    1         51.9 -0.00684 0.975      NA   781   1140  6620    6979 6.82   4.41 -0.00684         NA            NA   -0.00684     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -2.956       -3.28          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -3.28
#>  3:   3    1         53.6 -0.00641 0.994      NA  1441   1800  7280    7639 6.99   4.64 -0.00641         NA            NA   -0.00641     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -2.767       -3.07          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -3.07
#>  4:   4    1         42.1 -0.00442 0.989      NA  2101   2460  7940    8299 7.16   5.45 -0.00442         NA            NA   -0.00442     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -1.909       -2.12          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -2.12
#>  5:   5    1         40.0 -0.00382 0.989      NA  2761   3120  8600    8959 7.31   5.88 -0.00382         NA            NA   -0.00382     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -1.648       -1.83          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.83
#>  6:   6    1         37.3 -0.00323 0.986      NA  3421   3780  9260    9619 7.47   6.31 -0.00323         NA            NA   -0.00323     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -1.395       -1.55          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.55
#>  7:   7    1         34.9 -0.00276 0.985      NA  4081   4440  9920   10279 7.56   6.62 -0.00276         NA            NA   -0.00276     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -1.191       -1.32          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.32
#>  8:   8    1         34.0 -0.00250 0.979      NA  4741   5100 10580   10939 7.64   6.67 -0.00250         NA            NA   -0.00250     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -1.078       -1.20          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.20
#>  9:   9    1         35.1 -0.00245 0.973      NA  5401   5760 11240   11599 7.60   6.70 -0.00245         NA            NA   -0.00245     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -1.057       -1.17          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.17
#> 10:  10    1         35.2 -0.00231 0.984      NA  6061   6420 11900   12259 7.64   6.88 -0.00231         NA            NA   -0.00231     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -0.999       -1.11          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.11
#> 11:  11    1         36.9 -0.00232 0.983      NA  6721   7080 12560   12919 7.74   6.88 -0.00232         NA            NA   -0.00232     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -1.002       -1.11          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.11
#> 12:  12    1         39.5 -0.00240 0.982      NA  7381   7740 13220   13579 7.76   6.91 -0.00240         NA            NA   -0.00240     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -1.038       -1.15          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.15
#> 13:  13    1         40.0 -0.00232 0.981      NA  8041   8400 13880   14239 7.77   6.89 -0.00232         NA            NA   -0.00232     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -1.003       -1.11          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.11
#> 14:  14    1         40.8 -0.00228 0.979      NA  8701   9060 14540   14899 7.69   6.92 -0.00228         NA            NA   -0.00228     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -0.984       -1.09          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.09
#> 15:  15    1         46.5 -0.00255 0.984      NA  9361   9720 15200   15559 7.77   6.83 -0.00255         NA            NA   -0.00255     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -1.100       -1.22          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.22
#> 16:  16    1         43.6 -0.00227 0.982      NA 10021  10380 15860   16219 7.63   6.84 -0.00227         NA            NA   -0.00227     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -0.979       -1.09          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.09
#> 17:  17    1         44.0 -0.00220 0.977      NA 10681  11040 16520   16879 7.73   6.97 -0.00220         NA            NA   -0.00220     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -0.949       -1.05          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.05
#> 18:  18    1         45.5 -0.00220 0.975      NA 11341  11700 17180   17539 7.84   6.97 -0.00220         NA            NA   -0.00220     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -0.949       -1.05          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.05
#> 19:  19    1         45.8 -0.00213 0.978      NA 12001  12360 17840   18199 7.79   7.03 -0.00213         NA            NA   -0.00213     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -0.920       -1.02          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.02
#> 20:  20    1         47.7 -0.00216 0.976      NA 12661  13020 18500   18859 7.83   6.99 -0.00216         NA            NA   -0.00216     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -0.932       -1.04          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.04
#> -----------------------------------------

Extract rates

Let’s say we are interested in two rates: a maximum metabolic rate (MMR), that is the highest rate, and a routine metabolic rate (RMR).


In this example the rate from the first replicate is clearly the highest, but we can use select_rate to extract it. This tells the function we are interested in the highest rates (in absolute value, that is ignoring the sign - see help("select_rate") for full details) and to select the single highest one (n = 1). We also plot it to check which replicate it comes from, and use summary with the export option to save the full result as a data.frame.

mmr <- select_rate(zeb_sub, method = "highest", n = 1) |>
  plot(type = "full") |>
  summary(export = TRUE)

That’s it! We can print the data frame we saved to check the result. This contains the full results, from which replicate the rate came from, the data region it was calculated over, any adjustments (which we didn’t apply here), experimental data such as respirometer volume and specimen mass, and of course the output rate and its units. This is a great way of saving the results.

#>      rep  rank intercept_b0 slope_b1   rsq density   row endrow  time endtime   oxy endoxy     rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass   area      S      t      P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#>    <int> <int>        <num>    <num> <num>  <lgcl> <num>  <num> <num>   <num> <num>  <num>    <num>     <lgcl>        <lgcl>      <num>   <char>    <char>  <num>  <num> <lgcl> <lgcl> <lgcl> <lgcl>    <num>       <num>      <lgcl>      <char>       <num>
#> 1:     1     1         53.2 -0.00785 0.997      NA   121    480  5960    6319  6.45   3.57 -0.00785         NA            NA   -0.00785     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009     NA     NA     NA     NA    -3.39       -3.77          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -3.77


Getting the RMR is just as straightforward. Let’s define it as the mean of the lowest 10th percentile of rates (quite common, but usually in studies where there are many more replicates), so this time we pipe the result to mean().

rmr <- select_rate(zeb_sub, method = "lowest_percentile", n = 0.1) |>
  plot(type = "full") |> 

#> # plot.convert_rate # -------------------
#> -----------------------------------------
#> # mean.convert_rate # -------------------
#> Mean of all rate results:
#> Mean of 2 output rates:
#> [1] -1.03
#> [1] "mgO2/hr/g"
#> -----------------------------------------

Again, we can export the full results using summary.

summary(rmr, export = TRUE)
#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0 slope_b1   rsq density   row endrow  time endtime  oxy endoxy     rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S  t  P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#> 1:  19    1         45.8 -0.00213 0.978      NA 12001  12360 17840   18199 7.79   7.03 -0.00213         NA            NA   -0.00213     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -0.920       -1.02          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.02
#> 2:  20    1         47.7 -0.00216 0.976      NA 12661  13020 18500   18859 7.83   6.99 -0.00216         NA            NA   -0.00216     mg/L       sec   0.12 0.0009   NA NA NA NA   -0.932       -1.04          NA   mgO2/hr/g       -1.04
#> -----------------------------------------

More examples

See the following documentation and vignettes for more examples of how select_rate can be used.

Overlapping results

A notable aspect of the auto_rate linear method is that due to the machine learning algorithm it can often return multiple linear regions from the same part of a dataset. There is a special selection method to remove some or all of these overlapping rates.

In the overlap method, the n input indicates the proportional degree of overlap to allow for a result to be retained. For n = 0 only rates which do not overlap at all, that is share no data, are retained. For n = 1 rates which are entirely contained with at least one other are removed. For values in between these, for example n = 0.5, any regression which shares at least 50% of its data with another are removed. This analysis is performed working from the bottom of the summary table upwards, so generally lower ranked results are removed first. It is recommended this method be used after other selection criteria have been applied, as it is quite aggressive about removing rates, and can be very computationally intensive when there are many results.

Here we’ll show examples of how it can be used to make auto_rate results more manageable. Let’s first look at the results of the auto_rate "linear" method on the sardine.rd dataset using the overlap plot type in convert rate.

sardine.rd |> 
  auto_rate() |>
  convert_rate(oxy.unit = "%Air",
               time.unit = "sec",
               output.unit = "mg/h/kg",
               volume = 12.3,
               mass = 0.0477,
               S = 35, 
               t = 14.8,
               p = 1.013) |>
  plot(type = "overlap")

Now let’s remove all results that share 100% of their datapoints with at least one other. Here we pipe the result to plot().

sardine.rd |> 
  auto_rate() |>
  convert_rate(oxy.unit = "%Air",
               time.unit = "sec",
               output.unit = "mg/h/kg",
               volume = 12.3,
               mass = 0.0477,
               S = 35, 
               t = 14.8,
               p = 1.013) |>
  select_rate(method = "overlap", n = 1) |>
  plot(type = "overlap")

This greatly reduces the number of results, but there is still a substantial overlap between them. Therefore, let’s adjust the overlap threshold to 0.9, that is regressions which share 90% or more of data with at least one other are removed.

sardine.rd |> 
  auto_rate() |>
  convert_rate(oxy.unit = "%Air",
               time.unit = "sec",
               output.unit = "mg/h/kg",
               volume = 12.3,
               mass = 0.0477,
               S = 35, 
               t = 14.8,
               p = 1.013) |>
  select_rate(method = "overlap", n = 0.9) |>
  plot(type = "overlap")

#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy      rate adjustment rate.adjusted rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume   mass area  S    t    P rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#> 1:  NA    2         95.1 -0.000688 0.986   17461 2242   5543 2241    5542 93.7   91.2 -0.000688         NA            NA  -0.000688     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.48       -52.1          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -52.1
#> 2:  NA    3         94.9 -0.000662 0.987   15969 3628   7164 3627    7163 92.5   90.2 -0.000662         NA            NA  -0.000662     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.39       -50.1          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -50.1
#> 3:  NA    4         95.1 -0.000708 0.979    9204 1578   4236 1577    4235 94.2   92.2 -0.000708         NA            NA  -0.000708     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.56       -53.6          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -53.6
#> 4:  NA    6         95.7 -0.001047 0.961    6862  601   1969  600    1968 95.1   93.7 -0.001047         NA            NA  -0.001047     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.78       -79.2          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -79.2
#> 5:  NA   20         95.4 -0.000855 0.935     580 1185   2499 1184    2498 94.6   93.3 -0.000855         NA            NA  -0.000855     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -3.09       -64.7          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -64.7
#> 6:  NA   25         95.3 -0.000803 0.927     541 1327   2634 1326    2633 94.3   93.3 -0.000803         NA            NA  -0.000803     %Air       sec   12.3 0.0477   NA 35 14.8 1.01    -2.90       -60.8          NA  mgO2/hr/kg       -60.8
#> -----------------------------------------

This has greatly reduced the number of linear regions, and is a much more manageable set of results.

Full documentation

See help("select_rate") for full details of all the selection criteria that can be applied.