The functions in respR are powerful, but outputs can be large and difficult to explore, especially when there are hundreds to thousands of results, for example the output of auto_rate on large datasets, or the outputs of from long intermittent-flow experiments.

The select_rate and select_rate.ft functions help explore, reorder, and filter convert_rate and convert_rate.ft results according to various criteria. For example, extracting only positive or negative rates, only the highest or lowest rates, only those from certain data regions, and numerous other methods that allow advanced filtering of results so the final selection of rates is well-defined towards the research question of interest. This also allows for highly consistent reporting of results and rate selection criteria.

Multiple selection criteria can be applied by saving the output and processing it through the function multiple times using different methods, or alternatively via piping (%>% or %>%). See Examples.

Note: when choosing a method, keep in mind that to remain mathematically consistent, respR outputs oxygen consumption (i.e. respiration) rates as negative values. This is particularly important in the difference between highest/lowest and minimum/maximum methods. See Details.

When a rate result is omitted by the selection criteria, it is removed from the $rate.output element of the convert_rate object, and the associated data in $summary (i.e. that row) is removed. Some methods can also be used with an n = NULL input to reorder the $rate and $summary elements in various ways.

Replicate and Rank columns

The summary table $rank column is context-specific, and what it represents depends on the type of experiment analysed or the function used to determine the rates. If numeric values were converted, it is the order in which they were entered. Similarly, if calc_rate was used, it is the order of rates as entered using from and to (if multiple rates were determined). For auto_rate it relates to the method input. For example it indicates the kernel density ranking if the linear method was used, the ascending or descending ordering by absolute rate value if lowest or highest were used, or the numerical order if minimum or maximum were used. For intermittent-flow experiments analysed via and these will be ranked within each replicate as indicated in the $rep column. The $rep and $rank columns can be used to keep track of selection or reordering because the original values will be retained unchanged through selection or reordering operations. The original order can always be restored by using method = "rep" or method = "rank" with n = NULL. In both these cases the $summary table and $rate.output will be reordered by $rep (if used) then $rank to restore the original ordering.

Note that if you are analysing intermittent-flow data and used but changed the n input to output more than one rate result per replicate, the selection or reordering operations will not take any account of this. You should carefully consider if or why you need to output multiple rates per replicate in the first place. If you have, you can perform selection on individual replicates by using method = "rep" to select individual replicates then apply additional selection criteria.

select_rate(x, method = NULL, n = NULL)

select_rate.ft(x, method = NULL, n = NULL)



list. An object of class convert_rate or convert_rate_select.


string. Method by which to select or reorder rate results. For most methods matching results are retained in the output. See Details.


numeric. Number, percentile, or range of results to retain or omit depending on method. Default is NULL, in which case some methods will instead reorder the results. See Details.


The output of select_rate is a list object which retains the convert_rate class, with an additional convert_rate_select class applied.

It contains two additional elements: $original contains the original, unaltered convert_rate object, which will be retained unaltered through multiple selection operations, that is even after processing through the function multiple times. $select_calls contains the calls for every selection operation that has been applied to the $original object, from the first to the most recent. These additional elements ensure the output contains the complete, reproducible history of the convert_rate object having been processed.


These are the current methods by which rates in convert_rate objects can be selected. Matching results are retained in the output. Some methods can also be used to reorder the results. Note that the methods selecting by rate value operate on the $rate.output element, that is the final converted rate value.

positive, negative

Selects all positive (>0) or negative (<0) rates. n is ignored. Useful, for example, in respirometry on algae where both oxygen consumption and production rates are recorded. Note, respR outputs oxygen consumption (i.e. respiration) rates as negative values, production rates as positive.

nonzero, zero

Retains all nonzero rates (i.e. removes any zero rates), or retains only zero rates (i.e. removes all rates with any value). n is ignored.

lowest, highest

These methods can only be used when rates all have the same sign, that is are all negative or all positive. These select the lowest and highest absolute rate values. For example, if rates are all negative, method = 'highest' will retain the highest magnitude rates regardless of the sign. n should be an integer indicating the number of lowest/highest rates to retain. If n = NULL the results will instead be reordered by lowest or highest rate without any removed. See minimum and maximum options for extracting numerically lowest and highest rates.

lowest_percentile, highest_percentile

These methods can also only be used when rates all have the same sign. These retain the n'th lowest or highest percentile of absolute rate values. For example, if rates are all negative method = 'highest_percentile' will retain the highest magnitude n'th percentile regardless of the sign. n should be a percentile value between 0 and 1. For example, to extract the lowest 10th percentile of absolute rate values, you would enter method = 'lowest_percentile', n = 0.1.

minimum, maximum

In contrast to lowest and highest, these are strictly numerical options which take full account of the sign of the rate, and can be used where rates are a mix of positive and negative. For example, method = 'minimum' will retain the minimum numerical value rates, which would actually be the highest oxygen uptake rates. n is an integer indicating how many of the min/max rates to retain. If n = NULL the results will instead be reordered by minimum or maximum rate without any removed.

minimum_percentile, maximum_percentile

Like min and max these are strictly numerical inputs which retain the n'th minimum or maximum percentile of the rates and take full account of the sign. Here n should be a percentile value between 0 and 1. For example, if rates are all negative (i.e. typical uptake rates), to extract the lowest 10th percentile of rates, you would enter method = 'maximum_percentile', n = 0.1. This is because the lowest negative rates are numerically the maximum rates (highest/lowest percentile methods would be a better option in this case however).


Allows you to enter a value range of output rates to be retained. Matching regressions in which the rate value falls within the n range (inclusive) are retained. n should be a vector of two values. For example, to retain only rates where the rate value is between 0.05 and 0.08: method = 'rate', n = c(0.05, 0.08). Note this operates on the $rate.output element, that is converted rate values.

rep, rank

These refer to the respective columns of the $summary table. For these, n should be a numeric vector of integers of rep or rank values to retain. To retain a range use regular R syntax, e.g. n = 1:10. If n = NULL no results will be removed, instead the results will be reordered ascending by rep (if it contains values) then rank. Essentially this restores the original ordering if other reordering operations have been performed.

The values in these columns depend on the functions used to calculate rates. If calc_rate was used, rep is NA and rank is the order of rates as entered using from and to (if multiple rates were determined). For auto_rate, rep is NA and rank relates to the method input. For example it indicates the kernel density ranking if the linear method was used, the ascending or descending ordering by absolute rate value if lowest or highest were used, or by numerical order if minimum or maximum were used. If or were used, rep indicates the replicate number and the rank column represents rank within the relevant replicate, and will generally be filled with the value 1. Therefore you need to adapt your selection criteria appropriately towards which of these columns is relevant.

rep_omit, rank_omit

These refer to the rep and rank columns of the $summary table and allow you to exclude rates from particular replicate or rank values. For these, n should be a numeric vector of integers of rep or rank values to OMIT. To omit a range use regular R syntax, e.g. n = 1:10.

rsq, row, time, density

These methods refer to the respective columns of the $summary data frame. For these, n should be a vector of two values. Matching regressions in which the respective parameter falls within the n range (inclusive) are retained. To retain all rates with a R-Squared 0.90 or above: method = 'rsq', n = c(0.9, 1). The row and time ranges refer to the $row-$endrow or $time-$endtime columns and the original raw data ($dataframe element of the convert_rate object), and can be used to constrain results to rates from particular regions of the data (although usually a better option is to subset_data() prior to analysis). Note time is not the same as duration - see later section - and row refers to rows of the raw data, not rows of the summary table - see manual method for this. For all of these methods, if n = NULL no results will be removed, instead the results will be reordered by that respective column (descending for rsq and density, ascending for row, and time).

intercept, slope

These methods are similar to the above and refer to the intercept_b0 and slope_b1 summary table columns. Note these linear model coefficients represent different things in flowthrough vs. other analyses. In non-flowthrough analyses slopes represent rates and coefficients such as a high r-squared are important. In flowthrough, slopes represent the stability of the data region, in that the closer the slope is to zero, the less the delta oxygen values in that region vary, which is an indication of a region of stable rates. In addition, intercept values close to the calculated mean delta of the region also indicate a region of stable rates. Therefore these methods are chiefly useful in selection of flowthrough results, for example slopes close to zero. If n = NULL no results will be removed, instead the results will be reordered by ascending value by that column.

time_omit, row_omit

These methods refer to the original data, and are intended to exclude rates determined over particular data regions. This is useful in the case of, for example, a data anomaly such as a spike or sensor dropout. For these inputs, n are values (a single value, multiple values, or a range) indicating data timepoints or rows of the original data to exclude. Only rates (i.e. regressions) which do not utilise those particular values are retained in the output. For example, if an anomaly occurs precisely at timepoint 3000, time_omit = 3000 means only rates determined solely over regions before or after this will be retained. If it occurs over a range this can be entered as, time_omit = c(3000,3200). If you want to exclude a regular occurrence, for example the flushes in intermittent-flow respirometry, or any other non-continuous values they can be entered as a vector, e.g. row_omit = c(1000, 2000, 3000). Note this last option can be extremely computationally intensive when the vector or dataset is large, so should only be used when a range cannot be entered as two values, which is much faster. For both methods, input values must match exactly to values present in the dataset.


This can be used to constrain rate results to regions of the data based on oxygen values. n should be a vector of two values in the units of oxygen in the raw data. Only rate regressions in which all datapoints occur within this range (inclusive) are retained. Any which use even a single value outside of this range are excluded. Note the summary table columns oxy and endoxy refer to the first and last oxygen values in the rate regression, which should broadly indicate which results will be removed or retained, but this method examines every oxygen value in the regression, not just first and last.


Similar to time_omit and row_omit above, this can be used to omit rate regressions which use particular oxygen values. For this n are values (single or multiple) indicating oxygen values in the original raw data to exclude. Every oxygen value used by each regression is checked, and to be excluded an n value must match exactly to one in the data. Therefore, note that if a regression is fit across the data region where that value would occur, it is not necessarily excluded unless that exact value occurs. You need to consider the precision of the data values recorded. For example, if you wanted to exclude any rate using an oxygen value of 7, but your data are recorded to two decimals, a rate fit across these data would not be excluded: c(7.03, 7.02, 7.01, 6.99, 6.98, ...). To get around this you can use regular R syntax to input vectors at the correct precision, such as seq, e.g. seq(from = 7.05, to = 6.96, by = -0.01). This can be used to input ranges of oxygen values to exclude.


This method allows selection of rates which have a specific duration range. Here, n should be a numeric vector of two values. Use this to set minimum and maximum durations in the time units of the original data. For example, n = c(0,500) will retain only rates determined over a maximum of 500 time units. To retain rates over a minimum duration, set this using the minimum value plus the maximum duration or simply infinity. For example, for rates determined over a minimum of 500 time units n = c(500,Inf))


This method simply allows particular rows of the $summary data frame to be manually selected to be retained. For example, to keep only the top row method = 'manual', n = 1. To keep multiple rows use regular R selection syntax: n = 1:3, n = c(1,2,3), n = c(5,8,10), etc. No value of n should exceed the number of rows in the $summary data frame. Note this is not necessarily the same as selecting by the rep or rank methods, as the table could already have undergone selection or reordering.


As above, but this allows particular rows of the $summary data frame to be manually selected to be omitted.


This method removes rates which overlap, that is regressions which are partly or completely fit over the same rows of the original data. This is useful in particular with auto_rate results. The auto_rate linear method may identify multiple linear regions, some of which may substantially overlap, or even be completely contained within others. In such cases summary operations such as taking an average of the rate values may be questionable, as certain values will be weighted higher due to these multiple, overlapping results. This method removes overlapping rates, using n as a threshold to determine degree of permitted overlap. It is recommended this method be used after all other selection criteria have been applied, as it is quite aggressive about removing rates, and can be very computationally intensive when there are many results.

While it can be used with auto_rate results determined via the rolling, lowest, or highest methods, by their nature these methods produce all possible overlapping regressions, ordered in various ways, so other selection methods are more appropriate. The overlap method is generally intended to be used in combination with the auto_rate linear results, but may prove useful in other analyses.

Permitted overlap is determined by n, which indicates the proportion of each particular regression which must overlap with another for it to be regarded as overlapping. For example, n = 0.2 means a regression would have to overlap with at least one other by at least 20% of its total length to be regarded as overlapping.

The "overlap" method performs two operations:

First, regardless of the n value, any rate regressions which are completely contained within another are removed. This is also the only operation if n = 1.

Secondly, for each regression in $summary starting from the bottom of the summary table (usually the lowest ranked result, but this depends on the analysis used and if any reordering has been already occurred), the function checks if it overlaps with any others (accounting for n). If not, the next lowest is checked, and the function progresses up the summary table until it finds one that does. The first to be found overlapping is then removed, and the process repeats starting again from the bottom of the summary table. If no reordering to the results has occurred, this means lower ranked results are removed first. This is repeated iteratively until only non-overlapping rates (accounting for n) remain.

If n = 0, only rates which do not overlap at all, that is share no data, are retained. If n = 1, only rates which are 100% contained within at least one other are removed.

Reordering results

Several methods can be used to reorder results rather than select them, by not entering an n input (that is, letting the n = NULL default be applied). Several of these methods are named the same as those in auto_rate for consistency and have equivalent outcomes, so this allows results to be reordered to the equivalent of that method's results without re-running the auto_rate analysis.

The "row" and "rolling" methods reorder sequentially by the starting row of each regression ($row column).

The "time" method reorders sequentially by the starting time of each regression ($time column).

"linear" and "density" are essentially identical, reordering by the $density column. This metric is only produced by the auto_rate linear method, so will not work with any other results.

"rep" or "rank" both reorder by the $rep then $rank columns. What these represents is context dependent - see Replicate and Rank columns section above. Each summary row rep and rank value is retained unchanged regardless of how the results are subsequently selected or reordered, so this will restore the original ordering after other methods have been applied.

"rsq" reorders by $rsq from highest value to lowest.

"intercept" and "slope" reorder by the $intercept_b0 and $slope_b1 columns from lowest value to highest.

"highest" and "lowest" reorder by absolute values of the $rate.output column, that is highest or lowest in magnitude regardless of the sign. They can only be used when rates all have the same sign.

"maximum" and "minimum" reorder by numerical values of the $rate.output column, that is maximum or minimum in numerical value taking account of the sign, and can be used when rates are a mix of negative and positive.

Numeric input conversions

For convert_rate objects which contain rates which have been converted from numeric values, the summary table will contain a limited amount of information, so many of the selection or reordering methods will not work. In this case a warning is given and the original input is returned.


There is no plotting functionality in select_rate. However since the output is a convert_rate object it can be plotted. See the Plot section in help("convert_rate"). To plot straight after a selection operation, pipe or enter the output in plot(). See Examples.


This help file can be found online here, where it is much easier to read.

For additional help, documentation, vignettes, and more visit the respR website at


# \donttest{
## Object to filter
 ar_obj <- inspect(intermittent.rd, plot = FALSE) %>%
   auto_rate(plot = FALSE) %>%
   convert_rate(oxy.unit = "mg/L",
                time.unit = "s",
                output.unit = "mg/h",
                volume = 2.379) %>%
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'time = 1'
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'oxygen = 2'
#> inspect: No issues detected while inspecting data frame.
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 Time   O2
#> numeric         pass pass
#> Inf/-Inf        pass pass
#> NA/NaN          pass pass
#> sequential      pass    -
#> duplicated      pass    -
#> evenly-spaced   pass    -
#> -----------------------------------------
#> auto_rate: Applying default 'width' of 0.2
#> convert_rate: Object of class 'auto_rate' detected. Converting all rates in '$rate'.
#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>     rep rank intercept_b0      slope_b1   rsq   density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy          rate adjustment rate.adjusted    rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume mass area  S  t  P  rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#>  1:  NA    1     8.523235 -0.0006079352 0.993 7415.5188 2201   3285 2200    3284 7.14   6.53 -0.0006079352         NA            NA -0.0006079352     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.206600          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.206600
#>  2:  NA    2     7.112371 -0.0005658679 0.993 4436.9687  519   1564  518    1563 6.88   6.23 -0.0005658679         NA            NA -0.0005658679     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -4.846319          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -4.846319
#>  3:  NA    3     2.917014  0.0010782058 0.704 1077.5100 3193   4069 3192    4068 6.61   7.11  0.0010782058         NA            NA  0.0010782058     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  9.234186          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    9.234186
#>  4:  NA    4     3.486415  0.0016056934 0.755  814.4150 1537   2414 1536    2413 6.26   7.06  0.0016056934         NA            NA  0.0016056934     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA 13.751801          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   13.751801
#>  5:  NA    5     3.137644  0.0010175037 0.691  371.3316 3175   4087 3174    4086 6.60   7.07  0.0010175037         NA            NA  0.0010175037     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.714309          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.714309
#>  6:  NA    6     3.204332  0.0009992067 0.687  318.4650 3169   4092 3168    4091 6.60   7.06  0.0009992067         NA            NA  0.0009992067     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.557605          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.557605
#>  7:  NA    7     3.251506  0.0009862129 0.684  288.9157 3165   4096 3164    4095 6.61   7.03  0.0009862129         NA            NA  0.0009862129     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.446321          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.446321
#>  8:  NA    8     3.298448  0.0009732830 0.680  257.2883 3161   4100 3160    4099 6.61   7.08  0.0009732830         NA            NA  0.0009732830     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.335585          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.335585
#>  9:  NA    9     3.341216  0.0009613981 0.678  238.5388 3158   4105 3157    4104 6.61   7.08  0.0009613981         NA            NA  0.0009613981     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.233798          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.233798
#> 10:  NA   10     3.410602  0.0009422536 0.673  216.2561 3152   4112 3151    4111 6.61   7.06  0.0009422536         NA            NA  0.0009422536     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.069837          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.069837
#> 11:  NA   11     3.399817  0.0009452223 0.674  214.6920 3153   4111 3152    4110 6.61   7.06  0.0009452223         NA            NA  0.0009452223     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.095262          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.095262
#> 12:  NA   12     8.493468 -0.0005968452 0.994  204.5685 2125   3454 2124    3453 7.18   6.45 -0.0005968452         NA            NA -0.0005968452     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.111621          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.111621
#> 13:  NA   13     8.488154 -0.0005949222 0.994  190.5562 2114   3464 2113    3463 7.21   6.45 -0.0005949222         NA            NA -0.0005949222     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.095151          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.095151
#> 14:  NA   14     8.496112 -0.0005978305 0.994  189.9330 2128   3444 2127    3443 7.21   6.45 -0.0005978305         NA            NA -0.0005978305     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.120059          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.120059
#> 15:  NA   15     3.706028  0.0014941168 0.743  155.7878 1512   2441 1511    2440 6.24   7.05  0.0014941168         NA            NA  0.0014941168     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA 12.796214          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   12.796214
#> 16:  NA   16     3.713921  0.0014901077 0.743  154.7918 1511   2442 1510    2441 6.24   7.05  0.0014901077         NA            NA  0.0014901077     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA 12.761878          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   12.761878
#> -----------------------------------------

 ## Select only negative rates
 ar_subs_neg <- select_rate(ar_obj, method = "negative") %>%
#> select_rate: Object contains both negative and positive rates. Ensure the chosen `method` is appropriate.
#> select_rate: Selecting all negative rate values. 'n' input ignored...
#> ----- Selection complete. 11 rate(s) removed, 5 rate(s) remaining -----
#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0      slope_b1   rsq   density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy          rate adjustment rate.adjusted    rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume mass area  S  t  P  rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#> 1:  NA    1     8.523235 -0.0006079352 0.993 7415.5188 2201   3285 2200    3284 7.14   6.53 -0.0006079352         NA            NA -0.0006079352     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.206600          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.206600
#> 2:  NA    2     7.112371 -0.0005658679 0.993 4436.9687  519   1564  518    1563 6.88   6.23 -0.0005658679         NA            NA -0.0005658679     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -4.846319          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -4.846319
#> 3:  NA   12     8.493468 -0.0005968452 0.994  204.5685 2125   3454 2124    3453 7.18   6.45 -0.0005968452         NA            NA -0.0005968452     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.111621          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.111621
#> 4:  NA   13     8.488154 -0.0005949222 0.994  190.5562 2114   3464 2113    3463 7.21   6.45 -0.0005949222         NA            NA -0.0005949222     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.095151          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.095151
#> 5:  NA   14     8.496112 -0.0005978305 0.994  189.9330 2128   3444 2127    3443 7.21   6.45 -0.0005978305         NA            NA -0.0005978305     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.120059          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.120059
#> -----------------------------------------

 ## Select only rates over 1000 seconds duration
 ar_subs_dur <- select_rate(ar_obj, method = "duration", n = c(1000, Inf)) %>%
#> select_rate: Object contains both negative and positive rates. Ensure the chosen `method` is appropriate.
#> select_rate: Selecting rates with duration between 1000 and Inf...
#> ----- Selection complete. 11 rate(s) removed, 5 rate(s) remaining -----
#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0      slope_b1   rsq   density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy          rate adjustment rate.adjusted    rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume mass area  S  t  P  rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#> 1:  NA    1     8.523235 -0.0006079352 0.993 7415.5188 2201   3285 2200    3284 7.14   6.53 -0.0006079352         NA            NA -0.0006079352     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.206600          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.206600
#> 2:  NA    2     7.112371 -0.0005658679 0.993 4436.9687  519   1564  518    1563 6.88   6.23 -0.0005658679         NA            NA -0.0005658679     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -4.846319          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -4.846319
#> 3:  NA   12     8.493468 -0.0005968452 0.994  204.5685 2125   3454 2124    3453 7.18   6.45 -0.0005968452         NA            NA -0.0005968452     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.111621          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.111621
#> 4:  NA   13     8.488154 -0.0005949222 0.994  190.5562 2114   3464 2113    3463 7.21   6.45 -0.0005949222         NA            NA -0.0005949222     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.095151          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.095151
#> 5:  NA   14     8.496112 -0.0005978305 0.994  189.9330 2128   3444 2127    3443 7.21   6.45 -0.0005978305         NA            NA -0.0005978305     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.120059          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.120059
#> -----------------------------------------

 ## Reorder rates sequentially (i.e. by starting row)
 ar_subs_dur <- select_rate(ar_obj, method = "row") %>%
#> select_rate: Object contains both negative and positive rates. Ensure the chosen `method` is appropriate.
#> select_rate: Reordering results by 'row' method.
#> ----- Reordering complete. 16 rate(s) reordered by 'row' method -----
#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>     rep rank intercept_b0      slope_b1   rsq   density  row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy          rate adjustment rate.adjusted    rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume mass area  S  t  P  rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#>  1:  NA    2     7.112371 -0.0005658679 0.993 4436.9687  519   1564  518    1563 6.88   6.23 -0.0005658679         NA            NA -0.0005658679     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -4.846319          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -4.846319
#>  2:  NA   16     3.713921  0.0014901077 0.743  154.7918 1511   2442 1510    2441 6.24   7.05  0.0014901077         NA            NA  0.0014901077     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA 12.761878          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   12.761878
#>  3:  NA   15     3.706028  0.0014941168 0.743  155.7878 1512   2441 1511    2440 6.24   7.05  0.0014941168         NA            NA  0.0014941168     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA 12.796214          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   12.796214
#>  4:  NA    4     3.486415  0.0016056934 0.755  814.4150 1537   2414 1536    2413 6.26   7.06  0.0016056934         NA            NA  0.0016056934     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA 13.751801          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   13.751801
#>  5:  NA   13     8.488154 -0.0005949222 0.994  190.5562 2114   3464 2113    3463 7.21   6.45 -0.0005949222         NA            NA -0.0005949222     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.095151          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.095151
#>  6:  NA   12     8.493468 -0.0005968452 0.994  204.5685 2125   3454 2124    3453 7.18   6.45 -0.0005968452         NA            NA -0.0005968452     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.111621          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.111621
#>  7:  NA   14     8.496112 -0.0005978305 0.994  189.9330 2128   3444 2127    3443 7.21   6.45 -0.0005978305         NA            NA -0.0005978305     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.120059          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.120059
#>  8:  NA    1     8.523235 -0.0006079352 0.993 7415.5188 2201   3285 2200    3284 7.14   6.53 -0.0006079352         NA            NA -0.0006079352     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -5.206600          NA          NA     mgO2/hr   -5.206600
#>  9:  NA   10     3.410602  0.0009422536 0.673  216.2561 3152   4112 3151    4111 6.61   7.06  0.0009422536         NA            NA  0.0009422536     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.069837          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.069837
#> 10:  NA   11     3.399817  0.0009452223 0.674  214.6920 3153   4111 3152    4110 6.61   7.06  0.0009452223         NA            NA  0.0009452223     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.095262          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.095262
#> 11:  NA    9     3.341216  0.0009613981 0.678  238.5388 3158   4105 3157    4104 6.61   7.08  0.0009613981         NA            NA  0.0009613981     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.233798          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.233798
#> 12:  NA    8     3.298448  0.0009732830 0.680  257.2883 3161   4100 3160    4099 6.61   7.08  0.0009732830         NA            NA  0.0009732830     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.335585          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.335585
#> 13:  NA    7     3.251506  0.0009862129 0.684  288.9157 3165   4096 3164    4095 6.61   7.03  0.0009862129         NA            NA  0.0009862129     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.446321          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.446321
#> 14:  NA    6     3.204332  0.0009992067 0.687  318.4650 3169   4092 3168    4091 6.60   7.06  0.0009992067         NA            NA  0.0009992067     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.557605          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.557605
#> 15:  NA    5     3.137644  0.0010175037 0.691  371.3316 3175   4087 3174    4086 6.60   7.07  0.0010175037         NA            NA  0.0010175037     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  8.714309          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    8.714309
#> 16:  NA    3     2.917014  0.0010782058 0.704 1077.5100 3193   4069 3192    4068 6.61   7.11  0.0010782058         NA            NA  0.0010782058     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA  9.234186          NA          NA     mgO2/hr    9.234186
#> -----------------------------------------

 ## Select rates with r-squared higher than 0.99,
 ## then select the lowest 10th percentile of the remaining rates,
 ## then take the mean of those
 inspect(squid.rd, plot = FALSE) %>%
   auto_rate(method = "linear",
             plot = FALSE) %>%
   convert_rate(oxy.unit = "mg/L",
                time.unit = "s",
                output.unit = "mg/h",
                volume = 2.379) %>%
   summary() %>%
   select_rate(method = "rsq", n = c(0.99, 1)) %>%
   select_rate(method = "lowest_percentile", n = 0.1) %>%
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'time = 1'
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'oxygen = 2'
#> inspect: No issues detected while inspecting data frame.
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 Time Oxygen
#> numeric         pass   pass
#> Inf/-Inf        pass   pass
#> NA/NaN          pass   pass
#> sequential      pass      -
#> duplicated      pass      -
#> evenly-spaced   pass      -
#> -----------------------------------------
#> auto_rate: Applying default 'width' of 0.2
#> convert_rate: Object of class 'auto_rate' detected. Converting all rates in '$rate'.
#> # summary.convert_rate # ----------------
#> Summary of all converted rates:
#>     rep rank intercept_b0       slope_b1   rsq   density   row endrow  time endtime      oxy   endoxy           rate adjustment rate.adjusted     rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume mass area  S  t  P   rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#>  1:  NA    1     7.725675 -0.00030671573 1.000 41760.764  7587  13849  7586   13848 5.402033 3.490669 -0.00030671573         NA            NA -0.00030671573     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -2.6268362          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -2.6268362
#>  2:  NA    2     7.696412 -0.00030427959 1.000 30803.364  2354  13848  2353   13847 7.005635 3.490669 -0.00030427959         NA            NA -0.00030427959     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -2.6059721          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -2.6059721
#>  3:  NA    3     1.696591 -0.00001356731 0.986 17175.504 27029  33129 27028   33128 1.336335 1.247246 -0.00001356731         NA            NA -0.00001356731     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -0.1161958          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -0.1161958
#>  4:  NA    4     7.746758 -0.00031634557 1.000  9144.939   491   6484   490    6483 7.580664 5.701696 -0.00031634557         NA            NA -0.00031634557     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -2.7093100          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -2.7093100
#>  5:  NA    5     7.524215 -0.00028980112 0.999  4174.579 10296  16202 10295   16201 4.559737 2.867046 -0.00028980112         NA            NA -0.00028980112     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -2.4819727          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -2.4819727
#>  6:  NA    6     7.524647 -0.00028983504 0.999  4085.237 10293  16198 10292   16197 4.551638 2.867046 -0.00028983504         NA            NA -0.00028983504     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -2.4822632          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -2.4822632
#>  7:  NA    7     7.616206 -0.00029707913 0.999  4068.441  9530  15430  9529   15429 4.802707 3.061422 -0.00029707913         NA            NA -0.00029707913     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -2.5443045          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -2.5443045
#>  8:  NA    8     7.399963 -0.00028073360 0.999  2959.994 11172  17064 11171   17063 4.300569 2.640274 -0.00028073360         NA            NA -0.00028073360     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -2.4043148          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -2.4043148
#>  9:  NA    9     7.221442 -0.00026856267 0.999  2905.034 12191  18085 12190   18084 3.976609 2.405403 -0.00026856267         NA            NA -0.00026856267     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -2.3000781          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -2.3000781
#> 10:  NA   10     7.228643 -0.00026904096 0.999  2858.747 12148  18046 12147   18045 3.992807 2.413502 -0.00026904096         NA            NA -0.00026904096     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -2.3041744          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -2.3041744
#> 11:  NA   11     3.869899 -0.00009633980 0.984  2513.043 20621  26514 20620   26513 1.919463 1.360632 -0.00009633980         NA            NA -0.00009633980     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -0.8250926          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -0.8250926
#> 12:  NA   12     3.872769 -0.00009646109 0.985  2430.530 20610  26507 20609   26506 1.919463 1.360632 -0.00009646109         NA            NA -0.00009646109     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -0.8261313          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -0.8261313
#> 13:  NA   13     2.353593 -0.00003656900 0.887  2428.068 24183  30078 24182   30077 1.522612 1.287741 -0.00003656900         NA            NA -0.00003656900     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -0.3131916          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -0.3131916
#> 14:  NA   14     2.555133 -0.00004402287 0.904  2287.802 23732  29621 23731   29620 1.563107 1.295840 -0.00004402287         NA            NA -0.00004402287     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -0.3770294          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -0.3770294
#> 15:  NA   15     2.621934 -0.00004652541 0.910  2278.594 23586  29475 23585   29474 1.579305 1.295840 -0.00004652541         NA            NA -0.00004652541     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -0.3984623          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -0.3984623
#> 16:  NA   16     6.921750 -0.00024956371 0.998  2198.716 13606  19510 13605   19509 3.547362 2.105740 -0.00024956371         NA            NA -0.00024956371     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -2.1373634          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -2.1373634
#> 17:  NA   17     3.193194 -0.00006863164 0.966  2139.425 22329  28218 22328   28217 1.708889 1.312038 -0.00006863164         NA            NA -0.00006863164     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -0.5877888          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -0.5877888
#> 18:  NA   18     3.238228 -0.00007042412 0.968  2130.366 22224  28114 22223   28113 1.716988 1.312038 -0.00007042412         NA            NA -0.00007042412     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -0.6031404          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -0.6031404
#> 19:  NA   19     3.529099 -0.00008216956 0.980  2066.354 21528  27423 21527   27422 1.806077 1.320137 -0.00008216956         NA            NA -0.00008216956     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -0.7037330          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -0.7037330
#> 20:  NA   20     3.527953 -0.00008212276 0.980  2063.845 21531  27426 21530   27425 1.806077 1.320137 -0.00008212276         NA            NA -0.00008212276     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -0.7033322          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -0.7033322
#> 21:  NA   21     4.618462 -0.00012945932 0.986  1629.442 18663  24558 18662   24557 2.275819 1.482117 -0.00012945932         NA            NA -0.00012945932     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -1.1087414          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -1.1087414
#> 22:  NA   22     6.256476 -0.00021131531 0.990  1485.395 15476  21362 15475   21361 3.053323 1.830374 -0.00021131531         NA            NA -0.00021131531     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -1.8097888          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -1.8097888
#> 23:  NA   23     5.003125 -0.00014746532 0.983  1484.788 17884  23770 17883   23769 2.445898 1.563107 -0.00014746532         NA            NA -0.00014746532     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -1.2629520          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -1.2629520
#> 24:  NA   24     6.536083 -0.00022690222 0.994  1481.374 14858  20751 14857   20750 3.223402 1.903265 -0.00022690222         NA            NA -0.00022690222     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -1.9432814          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -1.9432814
#> 25:  NA   25     6.410919 -0.00021986472 0.993  1481.120 15148  21037 15147   21036 3.142412 1.870869 -0.00021986472         NA            NA -0.00021986472     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -1.8830094          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -1.8830094
#> 26:  NA   26     5.448574 -0.00016920383 0.984  1446.285 17037  22925 17036   22924 2.648373 1.644097 -0.00016920383         NA            NA -0.00016920383     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -1.4491293          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -1.4491293
#> 27:  NA   27     5.447812 -0.00016916519 0.984  1428.509 17038  22927 17037   22926 2.648373 1.635998 -0.00016916519         NA            NA -0.00016916519     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -1.4487984          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -1.4487984
#> 28:  NA   28     5.612589 -0.00017745603 0.985  1415.652 16720  22608 16719   22607 2.721264 1.676493 -0.00017745603         NA            NA -0.00017745603     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -1.5198044          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -1.5198044
#> 29:  NA   29     5.447593 -0.00016915367 0.984  1414.167 17038  22928 17037   22927 2.648373 1.635998 -0.00016915367         NA            NA -0.00016915367     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -1.4486997          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -1.4486997
#> 30:  NA   30     5.529651 -0.00017326545 0.984  1405.704 16879  22768 16878   22767 2.688868 1.660295 -0.00017326545         NA            NA -0.00017326545     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -1.4839146          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -1.4839146
#> 31:  NA   31     5.477106 -0.00017062925 0.984  1400.899 16981  22871 16980   22870 2.656472 1.644097 -0.00017062925         NA            NA -0.00017062925     mg/L       sec  2.379   NA   NA NA NA NA -1.4613371          NA          NA     mgO2/hr  -1.4613371
#>     rep rank intercept_b0       slope_b1   rsq   density   row endrow  time endtime      oxy   endoxy           rate adjustment rate.adjusted     rate.input oxy.unit time.unit volume mass area  S  t  P   rate.abs rate.m.spec rate.a.spec output.unit rate.output
#> -----------------------------------------
#> select_rate: Selecting rates with rsq values between 0.99 and 1...
#> ----- Selection complete. 18 rate(s) removed, 13 rate(s) remaining -----
#> select_rate: Selecting lowest 10th percentile of *absolute* rate values...
#> ----- Selection complete. 11 rate(s) removed, 2 rate(s) remaining -----
#> # mean.convert_rate # -------------------
#> Mean of all rate results:
#> Mean of 2 output rates:
#> [1] -1.846399
#> [1] "mgO2/hr"
#> -----------------------------------------
   # }