
The first step in any data analysis should be to visualise the data and check it for errors.

inspect() is a data exploration and preparation function that visualises respirometry data and inspects it for common issues that may affect the use of further functions in respR. Columns of a dataframe are designated as time and oxygen, and these are subset into a new object that can be passed to subsequent functions, reducing the need for additional inputs.

Note, use of inspect to prepare data for the subsequent functions is optional. Most functions in respR can accept regular R data objects including data frames, data tables, tibbles, vectors, etc. It is a quality control and exploration step to help users explore and prepare their data prior to analysis.

Depending on the data type, the function will perform a series of checks. These were informed by experiences working with real respirometry data from a variety of systems, and the data issues that were most frequently encountered.

Flowthrough respirometry data

Most of the following is also relevant to inspect.ft() which is a special function for inspecting flowthrough respirometry data. See vignette("flowthrough") for specific examples.

Successful check

This is what a successful inspect check looks like; all columns are numeric and without missing values, and the time data are sequential, unique values and with even spacing. See plot section below for details about the plot.

#> inspect: Applying column default of 'time = 1'
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'oxygen = 2'
#> inspect: No issues detected while inspecting data frame.
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 Time Oxygen
#> numeric         pass   pass
#> Inf/-Inf        pass   pass
#> NA/NaN          pass   pass
#> sequential      pass      -
#> duplicated      pass      -
#> evenly-spaced   pass      -
#> -----------------------------------------

This dataset is therefore ready to be passed to further respR functions. While we have in general designed respR to be robust to data which might contain these issues, we have not been able to test every eventuality. Therefore, to be fully confident in results and avoid obscure errors we strongly recommend data be amended to pass the following tests wherever possible.


Many datasets on being imported to R can have column data types misclassified. A stray character or even space may cause an entire column of numeric data to be classed as a non-numeric format such as character. For example, some versions of the Pyro and Firesting systems software replace missing data with "---", which causes the entire column to be classed as character when imported to R. Often this is a single entry in a random location where a data recording has been missed, or at the very end of a column, so not obvious when the data is given a quick look.

The first and most important check inspect performs is that the specified time and oxygen columns are numeric. If this check fails, the rest of the checks for that column are skipped, and the function exits returning a NULL value. No plot is produced. respR functions cannot process non-numeric data, so only when all inspected columns pass this check will the function output an inspect object that can be passed to subsequent functions.


This dataset has a single time value missing and replaced with "---", which causes the entire column to be classed as character. This is not at all obvious if you view a portion of the data not containing the missing value.

#>   time  oxy
#> 1    1 7.86
#> 2    2 7.87
#> 3    3 7.89
#> 4    4 7.90
#> 5    5 7.87
#> 6    6 7.82

Only by checking the structure is this obvious.

#> 'data.frame':    100 obs. of  2 variables:
#>  $ time: chr  "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
#>  $ oxy : num  7.86 7.87 7.89 7.9 7.87 7.82 7.84 7.84 7.86 7.81 ...

These data cannot be used in respR until this is remedied. This shows the output when this dataset is checked using inspect.

#> Warning: inspect: Time column not numeric. Other column checks skipped. 
#> Data cannot be analysed by respR functions if not numeric. 
#> No output returned.
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 time  oxy
#> numeric         WARN pass
#> Inf/-Inf        skip pass
#> NA/NaN          skip pass
#> sequential      skip    -
#> duplicated      skip    -
#> evenly-spaced   skip    -
#> -----------------------------------------


There are many ways to fix an issue such as this, from editing the original file, to numerous potential solutions within R. The easiest in this case is probably using as.numeric(). On data such as this it will parse the obviously numeric values to numeric, and where it cannot, replace them with an NA.

The problem value is in position 50.

#>    time  oxy
#> 48   48 7.63
#> 49   49 7.58
#> 50  --- 7.60
#> 51   51 7.60
#> 52   52 7.59

We can try fixing the column with as.numeric, view the same rows, and check the structure.

df[,1] <- as.numeric(df[,1])
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion

#>    time  oxy
#> 48   48 7.63
#> 49   49 7.58
#> 50   NA 7.60
#> 51   51 7.60
#> 52   52 7.59

#> 'data.frame':    100 obs. of  2 variables:
#>  $ time: num  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#>  $ oxy : num  7.86 7.87 7.89 7.9 7.87 7.82 7.84 7.84 7.86 7.81 ...

Now the column is numeric, but contains an NA value. respR has been designed to work with NA values in datasets, so analysing this one should not lead to any major issues. respR relies on linear regressions on exact data values to calculate rates, and NA values are simply ignored, so do not affect slopes and therefore calculated rates, unless they occur over large regions of the data.

However, we would strongly recommend that to be completely confident in any results, and avoid obscure errors, NA values be removed or replaced where possible before proceeding. Later checks in inspect will identify locations of NA values (see here). In this case it is easy to fix, as it is obvious what the missing value is.

df[50,1] <- 50

Now we can inspect again, and this time save the result.

insp <- inspect(df)
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 time  oxy
#> numeric         pass pass
#> Inf/-Inf        pass pass
#> NA/NaN          pass pass
#> sequential      pass    -
#> duplicated      pass    -
#> evenly-spaced   pass    -
#> -----------------------------------------

Now the saved object insp can be passed to functions such as calc_rate().


The next most important check is for infinite (or minus infinite) values. Some oxygen sensing systems add these in error when interference or data dropouts occur. Infinite values will cause problems when it comes to calculating rates, so need to be removed.


This datasets contains an infinite oxygen value.

#> inspect: Applying column default of 'time = 1'
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'oxygen = 2'
#> Warning: inspect: Inf/-Inf values detected in Oxygen column(s). Remove or replace before proceeding.
#> inspect: Data issues detected. For more information use print().
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 Time Oxygen
#> numeric         pass   pass
#> Inf/-Inf        pass   WARN
#> NA/NaN          pass   pass
#> sequential      pass      -
#> duplicated      pass      -
#> evenly-spaced   pass      -
#> Inf/-Inf locations in Oxygen column: Oxygen 
#> [1] 22
#> -----------------------------------------

We can see a warning, and the output also lists the locations (row numbers) of the Inf values (up to the first 20), and we can use this to view it and check.

#>     Time Oxygen Temperature
#>    <int>  <num>       <num>
#> 1:   520   95.3        15.1
#> 2:   521   95.0        15.0
#> 3:   522    Inf        15.1
#> 4:   523   95.2        15.1
#> 5:   524   95.2        15.1
#> 6:   525   95.3        15.1


Infinite values must be removed or replaced, or it will severely affect rate calculations, and may have other unknown effects in subsequent functions. Depending on how many, where they occur, etc., the appropriate way to do this will vary. Here, we could remove the row entirely, but since it is a single value we can just replace it with an intermediate value which won’t affect rate calculations.

data[22,2] <- (data[21,2] + data[23,2])/2

#>     Time Oxygen Temperature
#>    <int>  <num>       <num>
#> 1:   520   95.3        15.1
#> 2:   521   95.0        15.0
#> 3:   522   95.1        15.1
#> 4:   523   95.2        15.1
#> 5:   524   95.2        15.1
#> 6:   525   95.3        15.1

insp <- inspect(data)
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'time = 1'
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'oxygen = 2'
#> inspect: No issues detected while inspecting data frame.
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 Time Oxygen
#> numeric         pass   pass
#> Inf/-Inf        pass   pass
#> NA/NaN          pass   pass
#> sequential      pass      -
#> duplicated      pass      -
#> evenly-spaced   pass      -
#> -----------------------------------------

Now the saved object insp can be passed to functions such as calc_rate().


The third check is to look for missing data, that is NA or NaN values. This is perhaps the most common issue encountered when importing raw respirometry data files into R. Many oxygen probe systems or computers struggle with high recording frequencies, experience probe dropouts, suffer interference, or other issues, and the typical practice is to fill the resulting data gaps with NA or NaN.

respR has been designed to work with NA values in datasets, so analysing data with NA/NaN values should not lead to any major issues, unless they occur over large regions of the data. respR relies on linear regressions on exact data values to calculate rates, and NA/NaN values are simply ignored, so do not affect slopes and therefore calculated rates. However, we would strongly recommend that to be completely confident in any results, and avoid obscure errors, NA/NaN values be removed or replaced where possible before proceeding.

If inspect finds NA/NaN data, it outputs the locations (row numbers) to assist with removing or filling them.


This dataset has two columns of oxygen, one with a single NA and one with a larger chunk of values missing.

insp <- inspect(df, time = 1, oxygen = 2:3, plot = FALSE)
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 time oxy1 oxy2
#> numeric         pass pass pass
#> Inf/-Inf        pass pass pass
#> NA/NaN          pass WARN WARN
#> sequential      pass    -    -
#> duplicated      pass    -    -
#> evenly-spaced   pass    -    -
#> NA/NaN locations in Oxygen column: oxy1 
#> [1] 23
#> NA/NaN locations in Oxygen column: oxy2 
#> [1] 57 58 59 60 61
#> -----------------------------------------

The output console message gives a warning and prints the locations (up to the first 20) of the missing values in the respective column.


The locations can also be found in the output object in the $locs element with the name of the column.

#> [1] 23

#> [1] 57 58 59 60 61

These can be used to extract or fill the missing values, or simply remove these rows. See above example.

Sequential Time

This check is performed on the time column only.

Numeric time values are expected to be sequential, that is increasing in value. A failure of this check could be an indication of problems importing the file or of converting date-time values to numeric time using format_time() or other methods. This check helps flag up that something might have occurred to make this happen on import or processing, and might point to a larger problem that needs investigating.

Non-sequential time values could cause unknown issues, so to be fully confident in results and avoid obscure errors, we would strongly recommend the data be amended to be sequential.


This imported dataset contains time~oxygen data values, but no numeric time.

#> Warning in import_file("zebrafish.csv"): NOTE: 'import_file' function has been deprecated, will not be updated, and will be removed in a future version of 'respR'.
#> # import_file # -------------------------
#> Firesting-Pyro file detected
#> -----------------------------------------
#>          Time Comment Temperature Oxygen_Data_Ch_1
#>        <char>  <lgcl>       <num>            <num>
#>   1: 23:50:02      NA        13.5             9.79
#>   2: 23:50:04      NA        13.5             9.79
#>   3: 23:50:06      NA        13.5             9.79
#>   4: 23:50:08      NA        13.5             9.78
#>   5: 23:50:10      NA        13.5             9.79
#>  ---                                              
#> 490: 00:06:20      NA        13.5             9.56
#> 491: 00:06:22      NA        13.5             9.55
#> 492: 00:06:24      NA        13.5             9.55
#> 493: 00:06:26      NA        13.5             9.55
#> 494: 00:06:28      NA        13.5             9.54

This is a small section of a real experiment where oxygen was recorded every 2 seconds. Note how the Firesting-Pyro system has exported times, but not dates, and that they cross over midnight.

We will use the lubridate() package to convert the times to numeric. The details are not that important, but briefly the times are converted to a date-time format R understands, then an elapsed time from the first entry is calculated.

# parse to posix
data$parsed_time <- lubridate::parse_date_time(data[[1]], "HMS")
# convert to numeric difference in seconds from start
data$num_time <- as.numeric(difftime(data[[5]], data[[1,5]], units = "secs"))

# check
#>        Time Comment Temperature Oxygen_Data_Ch_1         parsed_time num_time
#>      <char>  <lgcl>       <num>            <num>              <POSc>    <num>
#> 1: 23:50:02      NA        13.5             9.79 0000-01-01 23:50:02        0
#> 2: 23:50:04      NA        13.5             9.79 0000-01-01 23:50:04        2
#> 3: 23:50:06      NA        13.5             9.79 0000-01-01 23:50:06        4
#> 4: 23:50:08      NA        13.5             9.78 0000-01-01 23:50:08        6
#> 5: 23:50:10      NA        13.5             9.79 0000-01-01 23:50:10        8
#> 6: 23:50:12      NA        13.5             9.78 0000-01-01 23:50:12       10

Now we inspect the data using the new numeric time

inspect(data, time = 6, oxygen = 4)
#> Warning: inspect: Non-sequential Time values found.
#> Warning: inspect: Time values are not evenly-spaced (numerically).
#> inspect: Data issues detected. For more information use print().
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 num_time Oxygen_Data_Ch_1
#> numeric             pass             pass
#> Inf/-Inf            pass             pass
#> NA/NaN              pass             pass
#> sequential          WARN                -
#> duplicated          pass                -
#> evenly-spaced       WARN                -
#> Non-sequential Time data locations in column: num_time 
#> [1] 299
#> Uneven Time data locations in column: num_time 
#> [1] 299
#> Minimum and Maximum intervals in uneven Time data: 
#> [1] -86398      2
#> -----------------------------------------

Clearly there is something wrong, and the location where non-sequential time data has been found is row 299. The issue has also caused the evenly-spaced time check (see here) to fail, which we will cover later. Often the same issue will cause more than one check to fail.

If we look at this region, it is clear what the problem is.

#>        Time Comment Temperature Oxygen_Data_Ch_1         parsed_time num_time
#>      <char>  <lgcl>       <num>            <num>              <POSc>    <num>
#> 1: 23:59:54      NA        13.6             9.99 0000-01-01 23:59:54      592
#> 2: 23:59:56      NA        13.6             9.98 0000-01-01 23:59:56      594
#> 3: 23:59:58      NA        13.5             9.99 0000-01-01 23:59:58      596
#> 4: 00:00:00      NA        13.6             9.99 0000-01-01 00:00:00   -85802
#> 5: 00:00:02      NA        13.6             9.99 0000-01-01 00:00:02   -85800
#> 6: 00:00:04      NA        13.6            10.00 0000-01-01 00:00:04   -85798

Where times have crossed midnight, our code has failed to parse it correctly. The lack of dates along with times means we have incorrectly calculated the elapsed time.


If this particular issue is detected, it is usually an indication of a deeper problem, so the actual remedy will depend on the situation, from editing the original data file, to various solutions within R, such as reordering rows.

Here, we can simply use the respR function format_time() (see also vignette("format_time")), which has been designed to detect and fix this specific problem of times which cross midnight but have no date attached. format_time parses and converts the times to numeric and adds them as a new column.

#> Warning in import_file("zebrafish.csv"): NOTE: 'import_file' function has been deprecated, will not be updated, and will be removed in a future version of 'respR'.
data <- format_time(data, time = 1, format = "HMS")
#> Times cross midnight, attempting to parse correctly...

#>        Time Comment Temperature Oxygen_Data_Ch_1 time_num
#>      <char>  <lgcl>       <num>            <num>    <num>
#> 1: 23:59:54      NA        13.6             9.99      593
#> 2: 23:59:56      NA        13.6             9.98      595
#> 3: 23:59:58      NA        13.5             9.99      597
#> 4: 00:00:00      NA        13.6             9.99      599
#> 5: 00:00:02      NA        13.6             9.99      601
#> 6: 00:00:04      NA        13.6            10.00      603

If we inspect again, the problem is fixed.

inspect(data, time = 5, oxygen = 4)
#> inspect: No issues detected while inspecting data frame.
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 time_num Oxygen_Data_Ch_1
#> numeric             pass             pass
#> Inf/-Inf            pass             pass
#> NA/NaN              pass             pass
#> sequential          pass                -
#> duplicated          pass                -
#> evenly-spaced       pass                -
#> -----------------------------------------

Duplicate Time

This check is performed on the time column only.

Duplicate time values can result from rounding time values, or the system accidentally recording two values close together, or some other issues causing values to be repeated or duplicated.

This warning is not necessarily a major issue. respR relies on linear regressions on time~oxygen paired data values to calculate rates. When fitting linear regressions, duplicates will not affect results so as long as the data are genuine values. However, the check flags up that something might have occurred to make this happen on import or processing, and might point to a larger problem.

Example 1

This dataset has been recorded at approximately 1 second intervals, but at 0.1s precision, and when rounded to the nearest second this leads to lots of duplicated values.

## original data
head(data_orig, 5)
#>   times  oxy
#> 1   1.1 7.20
#> 2   2.5 7.21
#> 3   4.0 7.15
#> 4   5.0 7.13
#> 5   5.8 7.18

## Before rounding
head(data_orig$times, 10)
#>  [1]  1.1  2.5  4.0  5.0  5.8  6.7  7.8  8.0  9.9 11.0
## After rounding to nearest second
head(data_round$times, 10)
#>  [1]  1  2  4  5  6  7  8  8 10 11
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 times  oxy
#> numeric          pass pass
#> Inf/-Inf         pass pass
#> NA/NaN           pass pass
#> sequential       pass    -
#> duplicated       WARN    -
#> evenly-spaced    WARN    -
#> Duplicate Time data locations (first 20 shown) in column: times 
#>  [1]  7  8 10 11 13 14 21 22 30 31 33 34 36 37 40 41 44 45 48 49
#> Uneven Time data locations (first 20 shown) in column: times 
#>  [1]  2  7  8 10 11 13 18 21 29 30 31 33 34 36 37 40 43 44 46 48
#> Minimum and Maximum intervals in uneven Time data: 
#> [1] 0 2
#> -----------------------------------------


In this case, inspect produces a duplicate times warning, however it can be safely ignored. These values are perfectly valid at this precision, and when it comes to fitting linear regressions and calculating rates will not realistically affect rate calculations. However, an alternative option would be to not round the times at all; respR will happily accept any form of numeric decimalised time value.

Example 2

This dataset by contrast contains several duplicated rows. The inspect call detects and identifies these, allowing them to be checked or amended.

insp <- inspect(data)
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 Time Oxygen
#> numeric         pass   pass
#> Inf/-Inf        pass   pass
#> NA/NaN          pass   pass
#> sequential      pass      -
#> duplicated      WARN      -
#> evenly-spaced   WARN      -
#> Duplicate Time data locations in column: Time 
#>  [1] 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
#> Uneven Time data locations in column: Time 
#> [1] 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
#> Minimum and Maximum intervals in uneven Time data: 
#> [1] 0 1
#> -----------------------------------------

We can check these rows by extracting the relevant locations from the $locs element of the saved output, and we see that for some reason the row has been duplicated.

dupes <- insp$locs$Time$duplicated

#>      Time Oxygen Temperature
#>     <int>  <num>       <num>
#>  1:  2100   93.7        14.5
#>  2:  2100   93.7        14.5
#>  3:  2100   93.7        14.5
#>  4:  2100   93.7        14.5
#>  5:  2100   93.7        14.5
#>  6:  2100   93.7        14.5
#>  7:  2100   93.7        14.5
#>  8:  2100   93.7        14.5
#>  9:  2100   93.7        14.5
#> 10:  2100   93.7        14.5


Like other checks, if or how to amend this issue will depend on the situation. Here, these duplicate rows could affect rate calculations, if for instance we are determining rates over a specific row width across the dataset (by contrast a rate using a time width would be unaffected). They could also affect other reported outputs such as the r-squared. It’s probably easiest to just remove them, and inspect the data again.

## Remove all but the first duplicate row
data <- data[-dupes[-1],]

## inspect again
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'time = 1'
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'oxygen = 2'
#> inspect: No issues detected while inspecting data frame.
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 Time Oxygen
#> numeric         pass   pass
#> Inf/-Inf        pass   pass
#> NA/NaN          pass   pass
#> sequential      pass      -
#> duplicated      pass      -
#> evenly-spaced   pass      -
#> -----------------------------------------

Evenly Spaced Time

Depending on the time metric, this is perhaps the most frequently seen warning. Generally, respirometry data are recorded at regular intervals. Any irregular intervals between time values are an indication that something might have gone wrong: the system stopped recording for a period, some data were lost when imported, rows were removed accidentally, or some other reason. The purpose of this check is to find and report any such gaps in the data. If these are found, the locations are returned, and in addition the maximum and minimum intervals in the time data.

Example 1

One reason this check might produce warnings is through use of a metric such as decimalised minutes. For example, data recorded once per second, but converted to minutes is used in the flowthrough_mult.rd example data.

# seconds in decimal minutes
#> [1] 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.10

# difference between each value
#> [1] 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02

These have been converted to minutes and rounded, and we can see the intervals are not numerically consistent. This will cause this check to produce a warning in inspect.

#> inspect: Applying column default of 'time = 1'
#> inspect: Applying column default of 'oxygen = 2'
#> Warning: inspect: Time values are not evenly-spaced (numerically).
#> inspect: Data issues detected. For more information use print().
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 num.time oxy.out.1
#> numeric             pass      pass
#> Inf/-Inf            pass      pass
#> NA/NaN              pass      pass
#> sequential          pass         -
#> duplicated          pass         -
#> evenly-spaced       WARN         -
#> Uneven Time data locations (first 20 shown) in column: num.time 
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
#> Minimum and Maximum intervals in uneven Time data: 
#> [1] 0.01 0.02
#> -----------------------------------------


While there are too many locations printed here to get a handle on if there are actual gaps in the data, the additional print out of the minimum and maximum time intervals tells us the intervals are what we would expect with these time values, so in the case of these data they are fine to pass to subsequent functions.

Example 2

If there were a larger time gap in the data, this check would flag it up. This dataset is missing a large number of rows.

insp <- inspect(data)
#> # print.inspect # -----------------------
#>                 Time   O2
#> numeric         pass pass
#> Inf/-Inf        pass pass
#> NA/NaN          pass pass
#> sequential      pass    -
#> duplicated      pass    -
#> evenly-spaced   WARN    -
#> Uneven Time data locations in column: Time 
#> [1] 341
#> Minimum and Maximum intervals in uneven Time data: 
#> [1]  1 47
#> -----------------------------------------

While there is only one time gap location at row 341, we can see this is a large gap of 47 seconds.

data[340:344, ]
#>     Time    O2
#>    <int> <num>
#> 1:   340  6.94
#> 2:   341  6.96
#> 3:   388  6.90
#> 4:   389  6.90
#> 5:   390  6.90


Like many of the issues, if or how to fix this depends on the context. In this case it may have been an accidental deletion or importing problem. However, you can still calculate rates across these gaps, which will be perfectly reportable, as long as care is taken to understand the implications of doing this.

Calculating rates across gaps

calc_rate() allows you to calculate a rate using a "row" or "time" interval. In this dataset, because the time is in seconds and recording interval once per second, they are therefore equivalent to the row numbers. Any rates calculated in a complete region of the data before the gap will be identical for either method.

cr_row <- calc_rate(data, 100, 300, "row")
cr_time <- calc_rate(data, 100, 300, "time")
#> # summary.calc_rate # -------------------
#> Summary of all rate results:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy rate.2pt      rate
#> 1:  NA    1         7.14 -0.000489 0.645 100    300  100     300 7.08   6.98  -0.0005 -0.000489
#> -----------------------------------------
#> # summary.calc_rate # -------------------
#> Summary of all rate results:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy rate.2pt      rate
#> 1:  NA    1         7.14 -0.000489 0.645 100    300  100     300 7.08   6.98  -0.0005 -0.000489
#> -----------------------------------------

This will not be the case across the gap, or after it where row numbers will now not be equivalent to the time values.

cr_row <- calc_rate(data, 200, 400, "row")

cr_time <- calc_rate(data, 200, 400, "time")

#> # summary.calc_rate # -------------------
#> Summary of all rate results:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy  rate.2pt      rate
#> 1:  NA    1         7.19 -0.000712 0.879 200    400  200     446 7.05   6.87 -0.000732 -0.000712
#> -----------------------------------------
#> # summary.calc_rate # -------------------
#> Summary of all rate results:
#>    rep rank intercept_b0  slope_b1   rsq row endrow time endtime  oxy endoxy rate.2pt      rate
#> 1:  NA    1         7.18 -0.000676 0.719 200    354  200     400 7.05   6.89  -0.0008 -0.000676
#> -----------------------------------------

Note how the interval is correct in the respective metric, but now differs in the other.

Either of these is reportable depending on the research question or rate determination criteria, and a ‘correct’ rate in their own right. If however, for example, you want to report a rate across a consistent time window, the by = "row" result, while an accurate rate for that row interval, does not conform to the expected time window.

Such gaps may also affect rolling rate determinations, such as in the auto_rate() function, if done using by = "row".

Note also, because of the missing rows, all rows after the gap will not conform to the same time values, although as long as they don’t include the gap will represent an equivalent time window.


When using inspect, a plot of the inspected data is produced (unless plot = FALSE), against both time (bottom blue axis) and row index (top red axis).

The top plot is the complete timeseries of oxygen against time. The bottom plot is a rolling regression plot. This shows the rate of change in oxygen across a rolling window specified using the width operator (default is width = 0.1, or 10% of the entire dataset). Each rate value is plotted against the centre of the time window used to calculate it. This plot provides a quick visual inspection of how the rate varies over the course of the experiment. Regions of stable and consistent rates can be identified on this plot as flat or level areas. This plot is for exploratory purposes only; later functions allow rate to be calculated over specific regions.

Note, that because respR is primarily used to examine oxygen consumption, the rolling rate plot is plotted on a reverse y-axis. In respR oxygen uptake rates are negative since they represent a negative slope of oxygen against time. In rolling rate plots, by default the axis is reversed so that higher uptake rates (e.g. maximum or active rates) will be higher on these plots. If you are interested instead in oxygen production rates, which are positive, the rate.rev = FALSE input can be passed in either the inspect call, or when using plot() on the output object. In this case, the rate values will be plotted not reversed, with higher oxygen production rates higher on the plot.

Rolling rate plot

Some datasets may benefit from changing the width to get a better idea of how the rate fluctuates across the data. This is helpful to inform the regions from which to extract rates in later functions, as well as an appropriate time or row window to use when extracting rates.

## default width of 10%

In these data, after an initial unstable period rates seem to stabilise, but there is still a lot of variability, with rates fluctuating between around -0.0006 and -0.0008.

## width of 20%
inspect(sardine.rd, width = 0.2)

With a higher width rates after the initial period are much more stable. This tells us (presuming we are interested in routine rates) that we probably want to extract rates from after timepoint 2000, should not use a time window shorter than around 20% of the total data length, and that our extracted rate should be around -0.0007.

If we are interested in the very lowest rate, it seems to occur just before timepoint 6000 (although see auto_rate() for extracting the lowest rates).

Intermittent-flow data

Note, intermittent-flow data will include rates across flush periods, which can skew results, and possibly make the output difficult to interpret.


Here the flushes skew the rolling rates, but within each replicate rates seem to be a consistent value of around -0.0005.

However, you can always use inspect without saving the result for a closer look at regions of the data, though note the width input will apply to the subset, not the original data length.


Inspect portions of long experiments

For really long experiments, both the timeseries and rolling rate plot may be difficult to interpret. This experiment on a zebra fish is 22h long and nearly 80000 rows.


inspect can be used without saving the result for a closer look at smaller regions of the data, to better see what is going on.


This better shows us the structure of this intermittent-flow experiment. Within these replicates specimen rates appear to be consistent at around -0.002, but note this may not be accurate because the rolling rate window might include the flush which will skew rate values. When subset like this, the width operator refers to the length of the subset not the original data.

Multiple columns of oxygen data

For a quick overview of larger datasets, multiple oxygen columns can be inspected by using the oxygen input to select multiple columns. These must share the same time column. In this case, data checks are performed, with a plot of each oxygen time series, but no rolling rate plot is produced. All data are plotted on the same axis range of both time and oxygen (total range of data).

This is chiefly exploratory functionality to allow for a quick overview of a dataset. Note, that if it is saved the output inspect object will contain all columns in its $dataframe element, but subsequent functions in respR (calc_rate, auto_rate, etc.) will by default only use the first two columns (time, and the first specified oxygen column). To analyse and determine rates from different columns, best practice is to inspect and assign each time-oxygen column pair as separate inspect objects.

inspect(urchins.rd, time = 1, oxygen = 8:19)

This gives us a quick visual overview of the dataset, allowing us to, for example, see the experiments which have some sort of issues, and which are controls (the last two here).

Plot an additional data type

By using the input an additional data source (for example temperature) can be plotted in alongside the oxygen timeseries to help with understanding where rates may or may not have fluctuated. This input indicates a column number in the same input data frame sharing the same time data. This column is not passed through the above checks. It is a visual aid only to help with selection of regions from which to extract rates.

## Plot column 4 (temperature) alongside oxygen timeseries
inspect(sardine.rd, time = 1, oxygen = 2, = 3)

Additional plotting options

Additional plotting controls can be passed in either the main inspect call or when using plot() on the output object.

Most notable is rate.rev = FALSE. This means rates in the rolling rate plot will be plotted on a normal y-axis, that is not reversed. This allows oxygen production rates to be plotted correctly, with higher rates appearing higher on the plot.

If axis labels obscure parts of the plot they can be suppressed using legend = FALSE. Console output messages can be suppressed with quiet = TRUE (in plot() only). Lastly, a different width value can be passed to see how it affects the rolling rate plot.

In addition, the generic par() inputs oma, mai, tck, mgp, las, and pch are accepted via ... to allow default parameters to be changed. Particularly useful are las = 1 to make axis labels horizontal and adjusting the second (left side) of the four mai (inner margins) input to make y-axis labels more readable.

This example examining oxygen production in algae uses some of these options.

inspect(algae.rd, time = 1, oxygen = 2, width = 0.4,
        legend = FALSE, rate.rev = FALSE, 
        las = 1, mai = c(0.3, 0.35, 0.35, 0.15))